For one, a yellow jacket is smaller than a hornet. The coloration on their bodies is a little different, too. Also, there is a difference between their diets. Do yellow jackets and hornets build the same type of nest? Which of these two insects is more likely to sting a human? Why are yellow jackets known as ‘meat wasps’? Read on to uncover the answers to these questions and more facts about hornets vs yellow jackets.

Comparing Yellow Jacket vs Hornet

Yellow Jacket vs Hornet: The 7 Key Differences

1. Size

A yellow jacket and hornet are similar in that they both have a pair of wings, six spindly legs, and a narrow section separating their abdomen and thorax. But look at their size and you’ll find a hornet is much bigger than a yellow jacket. A yellow jacket is about 1 inch in length while a hornet’s body can be 1.3 to 2.2 inches long.

2. Diet

One glance at the list of items included in the diet of both yellow jackets and hornets and you’ll see lots of the same things. However, there’s one very different item eaten by the yellow jacket. Flies, caterpillars, fruit, and beetles are eaten by both yellow jackets and hornets. Also, both insects drink nectar. What makes the diet of the yellow jacket different is it consumes carrion aka dead animal meat. Yellow jackets are the ones most likely to be seen buzzing around dumpsters full of discarded food and hovering around roadkill on highways. This activity has earned them the name ‘meat wasp.’

3. Nest Location

Most yellow jackets are known to build their nests beneath the ground. Generally, they dig a hole in a patch of mud or dirt and burrow a tunnel down to create the nest. Some yellow jackets use burrows abandoned by other small animals. As a note, there are a few species of yellow jackets that build nests above ground. Hornets build their nests beneath the branches of trees or shrubs. They sometimes create a nest beneath an eave of a house. A homeowner may even find a hornet nest inside a wall.

4. Nest Type

Nest type is one of the most notable differences between this pair of fliers. The nest of a hornet is cone-shaped with a papery surface. Hornets make their nest by chewing up pieces of wood pulp. Little by little, the wood pulp combined with their saliva helps build the walls of the nest. Yellow jackets dig a tunnel and construct a nest made of wood pulp material. The nest contains cells or compartments for the workers and the queen. There’s usually just one entrance the leads to the nest beneath the ground. Some yellow jacket nests have been found four feet below the surface! Not surprisingly, these nests are difficult to find unless someone is looking for lots of yellow jackets coming and going.

5. Color

Yellow jackets are easily recognizable for the yellow and black striped pattern on their abdomen. They have yellow and black splotches on their thorax and head.Hornets have similar yellow and black markings on their abdomen too. What makes them different from yellow jackets is the red combined with the black on their head and thorax.

6. Aggressive Behavior

Both of these insects have a venomous sting. A hornet can sting a person multiple times very quickly. Yellow jackets sting and can bite as well. The venomous liquid released by yellow jackets and hornets causes irritation and pain in the area where the sting penetrates the skin. A sting from either of these insects can be potentially deadly if someone has an allergic reaction to the venomous liquid. Biologists have found that yellow jackets are more aggressive than hornets. Of course, they can become aggressive when someone gets near their nest. In addition to that, yellow jackets have been known to sting people for no reason at all.

7. Average Flying Speed

Yellow jackets and hornets can fly at high speeds. But hornets have been observed to fly a little faster than yellow jackets. Hornets fly at an average speed of 14 mph while yellow jackets fly at an average speed of 6 to 7 mph.


10 Incredible Asian Giant Hornet Facts. Explore many different fun facts about Hornets here.Wasp vs Yellow Jacket: 5 Key Differences Explained. How can you tell the difference between a wasp and a yellow jacket?What Would Happen If Bees Went Extinct? Bees are crucial to the survival of everyone on earth.

Though a hornet is larger, the average person is more likely to be stung by a yellow jacket. This is because yellow jackets live and move around in the same space as people. They buzz around garbage cans in the local park, hang around filled dumpsters, and land on cups filled with sugary drinks. Yellow Jacket vs Hornet: Which is more venomous? Both types of insects can inject 2 to 15 micrograms of venom per sting. A hornet is known to give multiple stings in a matter of seconds. So, if someone receives multiple stings from a hornet, then it would be more venomous than a yellow jacket that stings once or twice.