In the wild, there’s a limited population of tigers. In fact, there are more living in captivity than there are in the wild. Some tigers live in zoos but most of them are held captive in private settings. This could even be at someone’s home. Because of this, there is no real, verified data on how many tigers live in the US. There are several tigers huddled up against the floor-to-ceiling cage door and there’s a man in there with them holding a long stick. Although the tigers seem to be eager to get out and get food, there are still some that seem a little bit calmer. You can barely make out a tiger that’s sitting over on the left with its two paws outstretched, the way a domesticated cat sits. The man in the video is keeping his eye on all of the tigers while you hear the metal doors clanking. Someone on the other side pulls a door open on the right side. It slides from the right to the left. At this point, the tigers are excited and moving quickly. Several of them go for the door and immediately start rushing out. Some of them seem intimidated by the man with the stick and get into start to cower, their eyes on him, waiting for his instruction. At one point, one of the tigers tries to go past the man on his left. The man quickly corrects the tiger, using the stick, and leads it out the appropriate way. It seems as if no tiger can ever get behind the man’s back, which is probably for his safety. The man bangs the stick on the floor and that urges the rest of the tigers to go out the same door. Once they realize that he’s asking them to go out the door, they all follow one another to go out. At the very end of the video, the man signals the camera as if to say, “All done!”

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