In a recent video, two divers do something that most people wouldn’t do in their worst nightmares. The two researchers are entering a region in Botswana known for its crocodile population, but there is something unique about them. Most crocodiles spend their time in the sun, basking on the edge of rivers and waterways, mostly unbothered. As research is beginning to reveal, however, some groups of crocodiles have adapted to live in complex cave systems. The Okavango Delta seems to be the perfect spot. The two divers wanted to research this strange phenomenon more thoroughly. Instead of sending in a small robot to swim around the crocodile labyrinth, they instead decided to do it themselves. Donning scuba gear, the divers head into a world that looks like it was written by Steven King. Humans are usually afraid of crocodiles when we can see them, let alone when we can’t. For these two, however, fear is just part of the job. After heading under, the screen soon turns pitch black. Still, the divers head further and further into the seeming abyss, hoping to study this strange behavior for the first time. Nile crocodiles are famously good at surviving in all sorts of environments. In fact, they use some pretty crazy adaptations in order to survive in the deep desert of the Sahara. As it turns out, part of that survival strategy can involve living in caves. The world of cave-dwelling crocodiles is extremely unexplored, but these two divers are determined to learn more about it. As the two divers head into the immense cave system, they begin recording all they see. From the green gloom, scales, tails, and armored backs emerge. Incredibly, the divers aren’t perplexed by their proximity to the deadly reptiles. With a simple snap, the second largest reptile on earth (behind only the saltwater crocodile) could cut the research session short. Incredibly, the prehistoric beast doesn’t seem to mind. In one terrifying moment, the divers get closer than ever before. Then, in a rush of movement, the crocodile realizes it has company and gets spooked. Turning, it lunges at the divers and swims so close that the camera can only see scales for a short time. Undeterred, the divers chase the killer creature, determined to get as much information as they can. Into the mouth of the beast never had such a literal meaning! Make sure you watch the video to see it for yourself!

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