So, what do plecos (sucker catfish) eat? Plecos eat algae, fresh vegetables, wood, and fish flakes. They are technically omnivores, even though they prefer to feed on algae exclusively. But what predators do sucker catfish have? And what should you feed your pet pleco? Let’s learn more about this fish now!

What Does a Pleco (Sucker Catfish) Eat?

A sucker catfish eats algae and other water scum, driftwood, fish food, and fresh vegetables. Most wild plecos survive off of algae alone, though this is often not enough to supplement their diets in a nutritious way. Found wild in tropical rivers and locations around the world, the sucker catfish was introduced either on purpose or on accident into waterways in the United States. It is now a very popular pet fish because of its tank cleaning abilities. According to CABI’s invasive species compendium, there are many things about plecos that make them good invasive species. They have armored plates on their bodies, have excellent egg guarding behavior, and are resistant to many different environmental factors. This also makes them bad for many ecosystems and why they are often considered an invasive species. Their ability to breed quickly and consume a wide variety of things means that they can easily disrupt delicate freshwater ecosystems in record time.

A Complete List of 8 Foods Plecos Eat

Plecos have been known to eat the following things:

AlgaeWater scumFish flakesLettuceSpinachOther fresh vegetablesDriftwoodAlgae pellets or bars

Plecos thrive in natural waterways given their bottom feeding abilities. They love any algae or scum found on rocks, lake shores, and more. While pet sucker catfish will keep your aquariums clean, their diet should be supplemented as well. For example, many plecos don’t get enough fiber in their diets and should be allowed driftwood or wood to make up for this deficiency. They will also eat any fish flakes that happen to be dropped in for your other tropical fish!

How Much Does a Plecos (Sucker Catfish) Eat?

A pleco eats once a day to every other day, depending on the size. It eats as much as it can find, and appears to be constantly feeding in the wild. Therefore, it is unknown exactly how much a sucker catfish eats. According to Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches, plecos not only have a powerful sucking mouth. They also have very capable rows of teeth behind that mouth! While they don’t often eat things other than algae, a pleco has teeth built like a rake, capable of raking through the bottom of a river or lake in search of food. Suckerfish also have taste buds, in case you were wondering if these bottom feeders have any food preferences. A pleco’s mouth can bend in different lateral directions as well. It is a very advanced mouth, according to the same study listed above. Many fish are not as adept as plecos, both in terms of their eating abilities and their exterior armor.

What Eats Sucker Catfish? Common Predators

There are no common predators of the sucker catfish. This is due in part to it’s invasive nature, given that no local predators are interested in eating this invasive species. This is also because of the way this fish is built. The sucker catfish is capable of raising and lowering the spines along its body when it feels threatened by a predator. This fish is equipped with armor in more ways than one, and it knows how to control it.  This is most likely why many potentially common predators have no interest in eating the sucker catfish. It may also have to do with the fact that it is a bottom feeder, though many predators are likely not to be very picky.  However, The Young Zoologists’ Association of Sri Lanka observed a pleco being eaten in the wild by a large water monitor lizard. This is one of the only observations of a predator eating a placo on record.  This is why it is important to avoid releasing your captive sucker fish into wild lakes or rivers. You have the chance of disrupting a delicate ecosystem by doing this, given that sucker fish have no natural predators and are capable of breeding with ease. 

What To Feed Sucker Fish as a Pet

You can feed your pet sucker catfish the following things:

Naturally occurring algaeAlgae pellets or tabletsFish flakesDried shrimpFresh fruitsFresh vegetables

Given that sucker fish are bottom feeders and very hardy, there is very little that you can feed them that could potentially harm them as well. Many pleco owners report feeding their fish a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.  Some of these fresh vegetables include sweet potato, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, and even strawberries. You are more than welcome to try to feed your sucker fish a variety of fresh foods, but make sure you remove them from the tank within a day.  While algae is a sucker fish’s favorite food, you may want to still keep up with cleaning your aquarium if your sucker fish does not seem to be eating enough or very quickly. You can also supplement your sucker fish diet with algae pellets and driftwood to chew on.