How Much Do Mountain Lions Eat?

In a single meal, mountain lions can eat anywhere between 20 and 30 pounds of meat, especially if they’ve recently hunted a large animal. In comparison, humans only eat around four pounds of food per day (and that’s usually at the very most!) Mountain lions aren’t always eating fresh food either. While they won’t scavenge like other animals might, they have been known to bury their prey and eat off the remains for nearly two weeks at a time. However, mountain lions may not be successful hunters all the time. As a result, mountain lions primarily eat deer, but also go after other large game like bighorn sheep and elk. They also prey on smaller mammals such as mice, turkeys, raccoons, porcupines, or rabbits.

How Do Mountain Lions Hunt?

Mountain lions are known as opportunistic hunters, which means that they’re willing to hunt nearly anything that won’t take a lot of effort. Rather than going out of their way to track and hunt prey, mountain lions are more likely to hide in treetops or other areas with high coverage in order to ambush and kill prey with a lethal bite to the spinal cord.

What Do Mountain Lions Eat?

As opportunistic hunters, mountain lions aren’t likely to go out of their way when it comes to dinner. While they eat a variety of prey from small rodents to larger predators, it seems that deer, specifically mule deer, are the most common prey of most mountain lions. However, while the majority of the species favors mule deer, Santa Ana’s Department of Natural Resources found out some surprising information while tracking a mountain lion named Brokenleg, which they shared in this Facebook post. Over the course of 21 months, Brokenleg consumed 35 badgers compared to only 5 mule deer and 19 elk! Brokenleg’s full diet over the 21 months was:

35 badgers19 elk15 coyote10 beaver6 raccoons5 mule deer4 porcupines2 pronghorns2 domestic dogs1 rabbit1 mountain sheep

Top 20 List of Mountain Lion Prey

Here is a list of the 20 animals that mountain lions most often eat:

DeerCoyotesRaccoonsElkFeral hogsPorcupinesMiceRabbitsMooseBighorn sheepBeaversAntelopeBadgerBirdsMarmotsInsectsFeral horsesBlack bearsCaribouSquirrels

Will Mountain Lions Eat Larger Predators?

While it’s more common to find mountain lions making a quick meal out of deer, rabbits, and other smaller animals, they will occasionally kill and eat larger predators, such as coyotes and black bears. However, mountain lions don’t usually target black bears and will only eat them in the rare occasion that a conflict breaks out, usually because the mountain lion has strayed into the bear’s territory.

Are Mountain Lions Dangerous to Humans?

You’re more likely to have trouble with man’s best friend than you are a mountain lion. While mountain lions could easily kill a human, they don’t see humans as a part of the menu and aren’t likely to attack unless in a dire situation. They also tend to avoid areas where humans live, making encounters unlikely. As a result, while mountain lions could pose a potential threat for humans in a chance encounter, they’re more often than not considered not a threat unless you tread into their territory.

What Do Mountain Lion Cubs Eat?

Like all mammals, mountain lion cubs start out by eating only milk from their mother. It can take up to seven weeks for them to wean and begin eating solid food. Until they’re able to hunt on their own, their mother will bring meat to the litter for them to eat. Once they’re fully weaned, at around four to six months old, they’ll be able to start hunting their own prey, usually smaller animals like rabbits and skunks. As they mature and grow, they’ll be able to hunt larger prey until they’re able to easily hunt and kill deer, elk, and other common prey animals.

Up Next…

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