They are also important in the food chain as they provide excellent protein for their predators and enrich the soil with their mucus and excretions. But what do these slimy worms eat as they burrow in soil all day? Let’s explore the earthworm diet together.

What Do Earthworms Eat?

Earthworms are decomposers, meaning they break down organic matter into basic nutrients for the soil. They are also detritivores, meaning they eat dead organic matter, including feces. You’d be surprised to learn, then, that earthworms eat dirt. Within the dirt is organic matter, including plant matter and dead animals as well as algae, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, and other microorganisms. The diet of wild earthworms is different from the diet of earthworms in captivity. Wild earthworms are at risk of ingesting pesticides and other harmful substances which also get ingested by their predators. Earthworms in captivity are often fed food scraps, which turn into compost as they’re excreted.

How do earthworms find food?

Earthworms aren’t so much concerned about finding food as they are being able to breathe and stay moist in the soil. Most earthworm species prefer neutral to slightly acidic soil. The nightcrawler (Lumbricus terrestris) has a pH of 5.4, Dendrobaena octaedra has a pH of 4.3 and certain Megascolecidae are in very acidic, humid soil. More acidic soil makes worms go into diapause sooner and remain in it longer at a pH of 6.4. Worms and other animals will often follow what is known as a chemical trail. Which is basically just a scent to help them find their food. Once they can find comfortable soil conditions, earthworms start searching for food sources. They have a sort of mental GPS that comes into play when there’s no chemical scent of food. Although they have small nervous systems, they can search in a specific area or a more widespread one. Worms do not have a sense of smell or a nose to breath with like humans and other mammals do. Additionally, worms or nightcrawlers will often surface during the night to pull fallen brush and leaves into their burrow. When the leaf softens, they will then begin to consume it. If they don’t find food in their immediate area after several minutes, they will turn less and explore a larger area.

How do earthworms eat?

An earthworm’s digestive system is interesting and strange. Although it’s an invertebrate, it shares a couple of organs in common with birds, gastropods, archosaurs, and some fish and crustaceans – the crop and the gizzard. The crop is used to store food and the gizzard is a specialized stomach that grinds up food with the aid of grit or stone. That’s where the similarities end, however. The earthworm’s digestive system has a mouth, buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, gizzard, intestine, and anus. It forms a straight long tube from the mouth to the anus. Earthworms have no teeth, so they swallow their food whole. They use a lips-like flap to push the food in, after which their throat muscle takes hold to lubricate it with saliva and push it down the esophagus. Because of their diet including microorganisms, earthworms have several internal parasites, and not just in their digestive system. These include protozoa, nematodes, and Platyhelminthes. They can be in their blood, intestine, coelom, seminal vesicles, or in their cocoons.

A Complete List of Foods Earthworms Eat

There are three categories of earthworms:

Leaf-litter or compost-dwelling (epigeic) are nonburrowing and eat decaying organic matter on the surface, such as Eisenia fetida (red worm)Topsoil- or subsoil-dwelling (endogeic) burrow in and eat the soilPermanent burrow-dwelling (anecic) visit the surface for plant matter, such as Lumbricus terrestri (nightcrawler)

What wild earthworms eat:

MicroorganismsFruits and vegetablesLeaves, grass, and other plant matterFungiAlgaeDead animals

What earthworms in captivity (compost worms) eat:

Fruit and vegetable scrapsEggshellsGrains (in moderation)Dry garden leavesTea bags and coffee groundsMoldy breadHair and nail clippingsShredded newspaper (black ink only) and cardboardCotton ragsCow and horse manure

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Yes. They will eat grass and leaves whether it is living, decaying, or dead, and turn them into compost. What do earthworms eat in the soil? Living, dead, or decaying organic matter, including plants and animals. What do you feed earthworms to keep them alive? Earthworms in captivity, also called compost worms, eat kitchen fruit and vegetable scraps. What are three things a worm does not eat? Spices, salty foods, and citrus, pineapple, and other acidic foods. Plastic, color ink, poisonous plants, sawdust, and pesticide-treated grass are toxic to worms. Oils, dairy, and meat will go rancid and attract animals.