Comparing Water Lily vs. Lotus

The 5 Key Differences Between Water Lilies and Lotuses

The main differences between a water lily and a lotus are the depth of the water in which they grow, the scent of the bloom, the shape of the flower, and the native area in which they grow. The water lily has a flower that floats on top of the water, while the lotus has an emergent bloom that hovers over the water without touching it. We will discuss all of these differences in detail below.

Water Lily vs. Lotus: Name

Water lily only has one common name, water lily! This is pretty unusual in the world of plants, as humans love to give them nicknames. The scientific name for a water lily is Nymphaeaceae. The lotus is also called the sacred lotus, Indian lotus, and Laxmi lotus. The scientific name for a lotus is Nelumbo.

Water Lily vs. Lotus: Description

The biggest difference between a lily and a lotus is the shape of the leaves and flowers. The water lily grows a big lily pad with a notch, while the lotus grows a perfectly round lily pad. Water lilies also have leaves that float directly on the water, while lotus leaves hover above the water by six inches or more. Water lilies have pointy leaves that are thick and waxy. The lotus plant has round leaves that are thin and papery.

Water Lily vs. Lotus: Bloom Color and Scent

Water lily blooms come in yellow, pink, red, pastel orange, and white. Lotus blooms come in white, pink, blue, purple, or yellow. Water lilies smell sweet and tarty, like a lemon or cherry candy. However, lotus flowers smell intensely floral with hints of citrus and spice.

Water Lily vs. Lotus: Toxicity

Water lilies are poisonous as they contain an alkaloid called nupharin which is toxic to humans and pets, although not deadly. In previous eras, it was thought to hold medicinal properties, but it is no longer used in this way. The lotus plant is entirely edible. Every part of a lotus flower is commonly eaten raw or cooked in many parts of the world. The underground tuber is high in starch and is eaten baked or boiled. The seeds taste good raw, dried, or ground into flour. Even the stem fibers are used to make a fine lotus silk cloth.

Water Lily vs. Lotus: Growing Requirements

Water lilies require full sun, at least six hours of sun per day, and of course, water. They prefer water on the shallow end, making it a favorite for backyard pond owners. The smaller cultivars will grow happily in a bucket with only 12 inches of water, while the larger cultivars need three or four feet of water to grow. The water lily is hardy in USDA zones 4 to10, which covers nearly the entire continent of North America. However, a tropical water lily is a tender plant that grows only in zones nine or above. It is a light feeder and requires only minimal fertilization. Lotuses prefer deeper water. In nature, you will find it in still lakes up to twelve feet deep. However, in cultivation, it is readily adaptable to much shallower situations and can often be planted in backyard ponds that are only two feet deep. Lotuses needs at least six hours of sun daily and they hardy in USDA zones 5 to 10. The lotus plant is a heavy feeder and does require monthly fertilization during the growing season.

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