While they have keen eyesight and sharp talons, hawks are also deeply skilled in their ability to fly and hunt. This TikTok shows that a hawk isn’t going to miss out on a good meal, even if it means they have to catch it twice. 

Hawks are Fearsome Flyers

With nearly 300 different species of hawks found around the world, it’s unclear which specific type of hawk is in this particular video. However, it shares a power and speed that all hawks seem to possess, diving through the air in slow motion to catch its prey. But just how fast can a hawk fly, particularly when it is hungry?  Studies suggest that some species of hawks can reach up to 120 miles per hour. While other falcon and eagle species can fly faster than this, it still isn’t a secret that hawks are impressive in flight. This skill is only demonstrated further in this particular video. It also shows off the agility and persistence of this particular bird of prey. 

Sorry, Squirrel—You’re No Match for a Hawk

Before you watch this particular video, it’s important to note that some viewer discretion is advised. While it may be a bit of a spoiler, the hawk is indeed successful in its hunt. Therefore, it could be upsetting to some viewers! This video opens with a squirrel in a tree, about to get caught in a hawk’s talons in slow motion. However, the branches appear to get in the way of the hawk’s firm grasp, and the squirrel falls. We see the hawk continue its pursuit, close enough to just barely miss the squirrel in its sharp, fearsome talons. As the squirrel falls from its tree, we can see the hawk’s dazzling flight path. It tumbles and cascades downward after its prey. It beats its wings and demonstrates an agility that is unmatched by most other birds. Unfortunately, the squirrel is still no match for such a predator. The hawk manages to fly faster than gravity and ensnares its kill.

Where Do Hawks Live?

While most hawks prefer a habitat with large open areas, such as fields and deserts, they may also live near mountains and even in tropical rainforests. They can even adopt to human-inhabited areas and are sometimes seen perched on telephone poles and fence posts.

How long do hawks live for?

In general, a hawk’s lifespan is about 20 years, as with most larger birds. The oldest known red-tailed hawk was at least 30 years old and 8 months when it was found near Michigan in 2011. Not only do hawks live long lives, but red-tailed hawks are monogamous and tend to mate for life. They are also known to reuse old nests from old mating seasons rather than rebuild nests every year.

Is it Normal for Hawks to Eat Squirrels?

Most hawks are opportunistic feeders and they feed on anything they are able to find. Most of these types of birds will eat small mammals such as snakes, mice, lizards, rabbits, squirrels. They may also attack any other small creature they can find on the ground.

Up Next:

If you liked this particular video, you should check out some other great footage and information, all about hawks!:

Watch A Red-Tailed Hawk Confront a Much Larger Bald Eagle While Flying in Slow MotionDo Hawks Hunt At Night?Watch This Bald Eagle Hunt A Salmon With Surgical Precision