The Strength of the Kangaroo

Capable of reaching up to 40 miles per hour when sprinting, kangaroos are especially fast and strong, both in their legs and their arms. Their muscular bodies are well-equipped for travel as well as potentially aggressive scenarios, such as what is happening in this video. Kangaroos are also highly social creatures, living in groups of a few dozen to hundreds of kangaroos at a time.  Even though both male and female kangaroos fight one another depending on the scenario, it is the male kangaroo who demonstrates extreme boxing prowess. Male kangaroos will compete against one another during mating season, pushing, shoving, and hitting one another until a victor can be crowned. The social nature of kangaroos helps them avoid this behavior some of the time, but not all the time.  For example, as this video shows, casual brawls are all too common among kangaroos. Plus, they have an average punch of roughly three hundred pounds, which is certainly enough to cause some damage to both humans and other kangaroos, as well as objects. 

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

In this brief video, we see two kangaroos fighting and it appears as if they are evenly matched. However, one kangaroo gets the better of the other when they push their opponent, causing them to fall through a corrugated metal fence. Whether it be the strength of the winning kangaroo that leads to victory or the loser simply loses his balance is unclear. However, from this brief and hilarious video, you can see that, when kangaroos fight, they play to win.  It almost feels as if the winning kangaroo in this video is confused by his opponent’s behavior and sudden disappearance through the fence. Perhaps this was a battle too easily won, or maybe it isn’t over yet. We have no idea what exactly happened to the kangaroo that fell through the fence, but given just how tough these animals are, they might be gearing up for round two! 

Next Up:

If you like this video, you should definitely check out some other videos that further demonstrate the power of kangaroos as well as the animal kingdom and how often fights occur. Here are some fantastic options to watch now: 

Watch This Insanely Buff Kangaroo Arm Wrestle a Man in TexasWatch These Furious Silverbacks Fight It Out at the Zoo!Watch Two Bears Face Off In Terrifying Trail Cam Fight