This amazing video, shot in North Queensland, Australia, shows what exactly would happen if a shark went up against a crocodile. There is one catch, however. The bull shark in the video is a baby and didn’t really stand a chance against the giant predator. Fisherman Daniel Johnson caught the young bull shark in the Prosperpine river. The shark was still on the line, he was quite excited to see his catch. “A large group of people started shouting out on the bank downstream,” he wrote with the video. “Thought originally they were happy to see some fishing action only to realize they were warning me of the incoming crocodile.” The video shows the crocodile swimming menacingly right toward the young shark. It is easily 13 feet long and a local legend in the area. The people on the bank probably knew that this massive crocodile was about the make a meal out of the baby shark.

The Circle of Life

The crocodile swims right up to the baby shark where it is struggling near the bank. So far, nothing gruesome has happened. But everyone watching knows that it is only a matter of time before the crocodile gets what he came for: lunch. Sure enough, a few seconds later the crocodile opens its massive mouth. Crocodiles typically have between 60 and 70 teeth, although some species can have up to 100. It’s clear that this crocodile has plenty of teeth to tear into the young shark. The shark struggles in the crocodile’s mouth feebly before the croc clamps down with its powerful jaws once more. In the video, you can clearly hear the shark’s body crunch as the crocodile eats him. People on the bank gasp as they watch nature in action. The crocodile eats the shark head first, chomping down until its meal is done. The crocodile closes its mouth once more before retreating back to the water.