Dachshund vs Deer

The dachshund decides that they are going to deal with this imposter on the driveway. The problem is that the imposter has very sharp antlers and is quite happy to use them on little dogs that are annoying them. In fairness to the clever little dachshund, they retreat underneath the family car and are therefore never in too much danger. Having short legs can be an advantage! However, the female dog owner loses the plot and weighs in, swinging her bag at the deer. The deer retaliates, pushes the woman onto her back, and continues to attack her using their antlers. Her loud shrieks alert her male companion who gallantly comes to the rescue! He grabs the deer by the antlers and drags it to the edge of the drive. Meanwhile, the dogs are stirred up into a frenzy and are yapping and jumping around. The woman continues to shriek at the top of her voice even though the deer is no longer anywhere near her!

Dachshunds Protecting Their Home

There is one point in the video where the deer looks quizzically at the woman as if it is totally confused by the noise she is making! Finally, the man picks up one of the smaller dogs and walks behind the car. The deer stands still, unsure about what to do!  Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers and foxes and would even trail wild boar so they had to be a plucky little dog that did not fear animals that were bigger than them. They are wary of strangers (especially four-legged ones with antlers) and are very protective of their families. We see this in practice in this clip. The little dachshund is convinced that it is their duty to protect the humans, but actually ends up making the situation much worse!

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