These animals have two horns, with the front one being more noticeable than the back one. Rhino horns can grow up to three inches every year and can reach a maximum length of five feet. Males utilize their horns to fight aggressors, while females use them to defend their offspring. Southern Africa’s grasslands are home to white rhinos, where the climate is mild and there is an average of 27 inches of annual rainfall. They can eat grass for up to ten hours a day, which provides their huge bodies with the necessary nutrition. The only natural predators of adult rhinos are humans, however, lions have occasionally attacked rhino calves. White rhinos weigh between 3,700 to 5,000 pounds and are 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder. After elephants, rhinos are the largest terrestrial animal. Hyenas weigh between 90 and 170 pounds. They range in length from 37 to 59 inches, and their shoulder height is from 29 12 to 33 inches. The male and female spotted hyenas look identical, but the female is noticeably larger.

An Attempt Was Made

We bring up the size of hyenas because a video shows just how confident these small animals can be. You’d think they wouldn’t stand a chance against a giant rhino, but they see the evident power in numbers.  As one rhino was grazing on a dirt road, four hyenas circle him and make several attempts to take the rhino down. Generally unbothered, the giant white rhino is able to easily defend himself without much effort.  Lions in Africa and tigers in Asia are the two species that are most frequently known to prey on rhinos, typically young ones. But occasionally, African rhino calves are also known to be killed by crocodiles in the Nile, hyenas, wild dogs, and leopards. Hyenas, however, are only likely to eat a rhino if another animal had already caught it. In fact, hyenas are known for stealing food. There have been multiple occasions where these sneaky creatures attempt to take a fresh kill from a pride of lions and quickly find themselves in trouble.  Rhinoceroses are typically solitary creatures that like to keep to themselves. However, some species, most notably the white rhino, might coexist in a group known as a “crash.” Although occasionally mature females might be spotted together, these collisions are typically composed of a female and her calves. Even though this rhino was by his lonesome, he was able to protect himself from the annoying hyenas! 

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