Military bases might seem like the safest and most impenetrable places, but one alligator found a way around the rules of base access. What did he do? Simply scaled the fence! The large alligator used his strong muscles to make it over a tall chainlink fence and onto the Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida. The video captures the gator as it climbs over the fence to reach the green grass on the other side. A woman driving by stopped to take photos and watch as the gator made it over the fence. Why did the gator climb over the fence? It is unclear from the video or the gator’s behavior. As far as the woman could tell, the gator simply climbed over and continued its day, now on the military base. The video shows the alligator flopping onto its belly after it made it to the other side. With a tough, scaly exterior, the alligator was likely undeterred by the metal fence or the subsequent belly flop.

Alligators in Florida

Florida residents are no strangers to alligator sightings and behavior. But climbing a fence was something new, even for them. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen that,” said one of the news anchors reporting the story. Alligators lounging in swimming pools, sunning in backyards, and even breaking into homes happens regularly in Florida. But scaling a fence is something new, even for the Sunshine State. The officials from the base did not have immediate plans to track down or remove the alligator. However, if it became a threat to people, the officials would take steps to relocate the alligator. With plenty of space and wilderness at the Naval Air Station, the alligator probably found a new place to call home. At least until it decides to climb the fence again on its way out.