Moray Eels Hunting

Moray eels spend a lot of time in holes in reefs in tropical and temperate ocean waters but do need to hunt to get food. They are carnivores and the larger individuals will be the apex predators in some habitats. In other areas, they get eaten by sharks, sea snakes, and barracudas. They hunt by hiding in the reef and then lunging at unsuspecting prey. This is mainly fish but they will also attack crustaceans and, as we see here, octopuses – although that does not always go well! Some morays have long, canine teeth but others have blunt teeth that are better for crushing up crabs. A key trait is to tie themselves in a knot to anchor themselves whilst they are tearing at the flesh of the prey.

Octopuses and Their Defense

Octopuses are found in oceans all over the world. They like to live in coastal waters and, like morays, they spend a lot of time in dens which are usually small crevices in rocks or coral. These fascinating animals have a number of defense mechanisms to help protect them from their predators which include seals, sperm whales, sea otters, some birds, and, as we see here, moray eels. Firstly, they can hide very effectively! They spend a lot of time in crevices leading a solitary life where they cannot be seen. Secondly, they are masters of disguise. They can change color rapidly to blend in with their surroundings. Finally, as we see this clever octopus doing, they can eject ink which both startles and confuses the predator and allows them to make a speedy escape!

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