Just like many humans, elephant moms are very possessive of their children and will go to any length to safeguard them. It is common knowledge that moms will loop their tails around their young to keep them close and safe. Now, with an animal that never forgets and is very protective over the ones they love, you wouldn’t want to be on an elephant’s bad side. One crocodile found out just what it’s like when you return to a watering hole he should’ve steered clear from. The mother elephant approaches the crocodile in Zambia and begins to push it underwater before stomping it. She also encircles the reptile with her trunk and throws it at one point. Because she lacked tusks, she had to rely on her trunk, head, mouth, and feet to carry out the assault. One comment reads “Either she has elephant babies in the area and she’s stomping the hell out of the croc to prevent it from harming any of their young ones, or… she already lost a baby in this spot to crocs and now she’s exacting revenge.” We can’t help but agree! This poor crocodile ended itself exactly beneath the feet of the African Elephant, the world’s biggest land animal, and did not live to see another day. The elephant in this video weighs between 5,952 and 7,937 pounds, according to the account that published the video, Latest Sightings. This is significantly more pressure than the crocodile can bear. Elephants seldom fight crocodiles, however, mothers will protect their young fiercely, and male elephants can be hostile during mating. This was an extraordinary occurrence. It is not the first instance an elephant has been shown in the wild killing a crocodile. There have been times in the past when the crocodile overpowers a full-grown elephant. It’s simply jaw-dropping to watch! There’s truly no guessing what can happen in the wild. This crocodile likely thought it was being sneaky and creeping up to the mama elephant. Little did he know, it would be the last thing he did. The other elephants standing nearby seem to watch in awe and gratitude after the croc is no longer fighting for its life. The mother elephant takes a few trunk-fulls of water to rehydrate after an exhausting fight. Hopefully, other predators in the area see just how powerful a mother is when protecting her young.