Dedicated Labrador Retrievers – Top Dogs

Labrador retrievers are the most popular breed of dog in the US according to the American Kennel Club. They are very easy-going and friendly dogs who make loyal family pets and fit in with households of all sorts. Shedding can be a problem and they do like to have a lot of exercises, so they suit families with an outdoor lifestyle. Walks near water – and swims in water – are a particular favorite with this breed. It’s also important that they get the right nutrition to prevent obesity and to support some common health issues that they can suffer including hip dysplasia. They also love to play fetch and are very dedicated to returning the toys that you have thrown, as we so clearly see in this short vid.

Best Swimming Dogs

Labrador retrievers are not the only expert swimmers in the canine world! The list of water-loving breeds includes some surprise entries. Firstly, the poodle whose name is actually derived from the German word pudeln, which means “to splash.” Then, there is the Newfoundland which looks too big to float but actually used to tow rope lines from ships to land and rescue people from the water. Not forgetting the Portuguese Water Dog which was bred to retrieve lost fishing equipment and herd fish into nets!

Next up:

Sea Dog and Pet Dog Play Like Best Friends in the WaterWhy Are Dogs So Loyal? Are They The Most Loyal Pet?Can Elephants Swim?