Gorilla Habitat and Behavior

Gorillas are one of our closest living relatives and in the wild they are found in several parts of Africa. However, they are found in captivity all over the world. They are the biggest of all the primates and like to live in rainforests and dense jungles. Sadly in many areas, their populations are threatened by human activity and habitat loss. Therefore, many zoos have breeding plans in an attempt to preserve the species. They can live for over 60 years in captivity and the mature males develop silver hairs on their lower backs which form a saddle pattern – hence the name ‘silverback’. They can grow to 300 and 485 pounds and reach over five and a half feet in height. Even though they are unbelievably strong and powerful, they are actually quite shy. These guys would prefer to avoid confrontation if they can. Gorillas tend to live in family groups that have male leaders – either a father and son or a pair of brothers. The rest are females and younger individuals. They are mainly herbivores and eat most parts of plants including twigs and buds which they are able to pick off with their ‘hands’.

Silverback Dance-off Routine

Take a closer look at some gorilla dance moves. With ‘Maniac’ from the movie ‘Flashdance’ pounding in the background, our gorilla friend is living his best life in a huge tub of water. He twirls, crouches and pounds the water, sending it all over the enclosure. This is not an animal that you would want in your bathtub at home! He takes a break and brushes his hands across the surface of the water, clearly enjoying the sensation on his palms. Obviously, the video has been edited to repeat his movements and to keep the action in time with the music, but the pure joy is so real. Gorilla dancing should be a thing!

Next up:

Watching This Baby Gorilla and Monkey Playing Is Simply Adorable Watch a Provoked Adult Male Gorilla Slam the Glass at Zoogoers Gorilla Strength: How Strong Are Gorillas?