All of the eggs may not be laid for two or three hours. The eggs are frequently partially covered in the sand after being laid. Eggs begin to hatch within 52 to 60 days. Unfortunately, there are instances where the eggs are temporarily left alone. A compilation video on Youtube shows just how quickly Komodo dragons and monitor lizards can steal python eggs. Luckily for the serpents, the lizards aren’t often quick enough.  Birds and their eggs are eaten by Komodo dragons. They also consume other small animals including pigs, goats, wild boars, and monkeys. In addition to deer and horses, a Komodo dragon’s diet also includes water buffalo.  Additionally, Komodo dragons consume animals like sheep and cattle as well as snakes. A mature Komodo dragon will occasionally attack a person, however, it is uncommon. Monitor lizards will eat snake eggs whole and stick to a mostly carnivorous diet.  The first part of the video below showcases a Komodo dragon attempting to steal a python egg. Pythons are among the biggest snakes on the planet. These large, non-venomous snakes can grow to a length of 26 feet and a weight that exceeds 200 pounds. On open land, these snakes can only move at a speed of roughly one mile per hour.  However, they don’t actually need to move swiftly since they don’t have to rush after their food. In the video compilation below, you’ll see pythons moving toward their prey. Though a mile an hour doesn’t seem fast, they quickly attack without a moment for the lizards to escape.  It doesn’t take the python long before it’s wrapped around the Komodo dragon’s back leg and tightens itself around the rest of the body. There are several clips that follow, showcasing monitor lizards attempting a quick lunch of python eggs. Little do they know, it’s the last thing they’ll ever eat.  Constrictor snakes, including pythons and boa constrictors, are well known for killing by squeezing their victims. But how exactly does the prey pass away? These and additional constrictors can exert pressures that are far greater than their target’s blood pressure, indicating that they may be able to cease circulation and maybe quickly kill animals by overpressurizing the brain and interfering with neurological function. You can find the wildly interesting compilation featuring pythons and lizards below! 

Do Pythons Normally Confront Komodo Dragons?

Reticulated pythons and Komodo dragons are both native to Southeast Asia, so it is possible for the two species to encounter one another in the wild. The carnivorous Komodo dragon is considered an apex predator, which means that it is generally not hunted as prey by anything else in its habitat. But, as shown here, sometimes the prey this extra large lizard chooses is well-guarded. The first clip in this video is not the only account of hostility between these two species. Pythons and Komodo dragons are both considered formidable opponents. It has been suggested that the advantage may simply go to whichever of the two combatants is more physically mature. Some Komodo dragons are capable of taking down cattle and water buffalo! It is possible that if this python’s adversary had been larger, a different outcome may have resulted.

Up Next…

Dangerous encounters like this one happen between animals in their natural habitats and are caught on camera more often than you might think. Check out these features for more animal action.

Watch a House Cat Defend Her Humans From a Big Black Bear – Watch this household cat channel its wilder ancestors by standing up to a much larger predator.Watch This Omnivorous Fish Hunt By Sharpshooting Its Prey – An orb weaver spider learns the hard way how the archerfish earns its name in this fascinating aquatic video.Watch A Fearless Cat Defends Child From Two Huge Gators – In another feline feature, see this mother kitty stand up for its own young against two of the bayou’s deadliest reptiles. You’ll also learn why many alligators think twice before crossing a cat, despite their size advantage.