In a video clip posted in December 2021, we see one of the wildest interactions in nature. The clip shows a pride of lions, nearly 18 strong, trying and take down one of the largest animals on earth: a fully grown rhino. Even more, the entire time the lions are trying to take down the rhino, zebras, giraffes, and water buffalo watch like it’s the newest movie playing at AMC Theaters!

Lions vs. Rhino

A single lion is a formidable presence all on its own. Some references claim that a single adult lion has the ability to take down an adult bull gaur weighing nearly 2,200 pounds! When they gather, however, that number gets much larger. Most lion prides are between five and 30 strong. When a large group goes out hunting together, all animals beware! Even still, a rhino is a large beast unto itself. Could a pride of lions ever take one down? Well, it’s hard to answer. When it comes down to it, an adult rhino can weigh up to 3,000 pounds and is covered in thick armor that can repel even the sharpest of claws. Even still, large lion prides are known to target rhinos, albeit rarely. When lions target a rhino, it’s almost always a black rhino, the smallest African species. Keep in mind that “small” here is a relative term, and the entire pride of lions could still weigh less than a single rhino. In the video, we see how they go about such a hunt.

A Full Pride Against One Rhino

First, they circle the rhino, hoping that it exposes its back to them. The only shot that a pride of lions has at killing a rhino is if they get open access to the rhino’s back. We all know how deadly the front of a rhino can be! If lions are able to wear a rhino down enough to the point of collapse, they might be able to take it down. Although the video doesn’t show the ultimate ending of the clip, it’s still incredible to watch. Lions are the most formidable hunters on the African continent, and rhinos may just be the most formidable prey! The most likely turn of events is that the lions find that they are much better off eating one of the spectators (zebras and buffalos) than trying to eat the big guy with the horn. Make sure you check out the incredible clip below!

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