The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. When the video starts, you see a big crab holding onto the tip of the king cobra’s long tail. The crab has a tight grip and isn’t planning on letting go anytime soon.  As the crab pinches down on the snake’s tail, the snake starts to look for an escape route. Why is the snake running away instead of eating the crab? Since snakes can’t chew their food, they can only eat things they swallow whole. That’s why the king cobra’s diet is mainly other snakes, like rat snakes and small pythons. After about a minute of watching the king cobra carry around the crab, a new character enters the scene. A curious, young, and adorable dog! The dog enters the video at 1:43 minutes into the footage. The dog has a lovely coat, wagging tail, and curious expression. Wondering what the crab and snake are all about, the dog begins circling the pair. It’s scary watching the dog get close to the king cobra. But don’t worry. The dog and snake never wind up fighting. There aren’t any injuries, just an intense showdown. Nevertheless, letting any animal get close to a king cobra is unwise. King cobras aren’t aggressive snakes like water mocassins. However, they will attack when threatened.   If the snake were to bite the dog, the results could be fatal. King cobras don’t have the most potent venom compared to other venomous snakes. But the neurotoxin they deliver in a single bite is enough to kill an elephant! At one point, you hear a loud chicken clucking off-camera. But the talkative chicken never enters the scene. Instead, you watch as the dog entices the snake to strike. The king cobra in this video is agitated. And who can blame them? A crab is pinching their tail, and a dog is barking in its face. This snake is not having a good day. Hissing and striking, the king cobra sends a clear message to stay away. The dog continues investigating the snake. And the crab continues holding on for some reason. Finally, at the 7:02 time stamp, the crab and snake separate. When the crab lets go of the snake, the dog rushes in to investigate. After smelling the crab a bit, the dog turns its attention back to the snake. The dog continues circling the king cobra, bowing down and barking.  This video is an excellent example of what not to do when you own a dog. No animals are hurt in this video. But it’s still scary seeing the dog get close to the king cobra! Watch the video below and see for yourself.

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The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. Could a cobra eat a crab? Since snakes can’t chew their food, they can only eat things they swallow whole. That’s why the king cobra’s diet is mainly other snakes, like rat snakes and small pythons.