After an initial standoff when the fox first startles the cat, and some aggressive body language and hissing, the fox backs off and the cat gets back to their dinner. Then, the fox decides to have another ago, circles around, and then approaches from another direction. This time they are successful and retrieve a mouthful of food as the cat looks directly at the camera with a face that seems to say “Can you believe he just did that?” However, the kitty decides to let the matter drop and gets back to the meal. Emboldened by their success, the fox decides to have a third attempt but this is a step too far for the cat. We see a classic defensive feline posture with ears pinned back and a lightening fast swipe at the fox’s face with some sharp claws. The fox gets the message and backs off to a safe distance to observe until the cat has had their fill and leaves the dining area. This is when the fox approaches and proceeds to finish off the meal.

Can Foxes Hurt Domestic Cats?

Foxes live in woodland areas as well as urban spaces. They are of the same family as domestic dogs and in the wild they eat rabbits, birds, and lizards as well as berries and fruits. Some people encourage urban foxes by leaving out food for them and this may be what has happened here. Only, a local neighborhood cat has got there first! In terms of size and aggression, cats and foxes are quite well matched. The feline in this vid looks like an adult tabby cat who are usually well known for their friendly nature towards humans. In normal circumstances, a fox could not do too much harm to a healthy adult cat and we can see the fox making a decision not to challenge the cat here and wait until they have finished. However, there are some reports of foxes injuring old or ill cats who are not so able to defend themselves. This is an encounter that probably takes place in urban gardens on many continents, but it is so cool that it was recorded for us to enjoy!

Next Up:

Fox vs Dog: Can A Fox Outrun A Dog?Jackal vs Fox: What are their differences?Can Foxes Legally Be Pets? Is It Even A Good Idea?