Grizzly Hunt Does Not Go According to Plan

This is probably not how the grizzly planned this attack to end. Having stalked the moose and her calf for days, we join the scene on the shores of the lake. The footage is captured from a coffee shop overlooking the water. The grizzly bear has spotted the adult moose in the shallow water but the calf is behind a small wooden building and hidden from our view. The bear, however, knows exactly where the calf is! The bear disappears from view behind the wooden building and suddenly we hear the frantic cries of the moose calf. This immediately attracts the mother’s attention who comes charging out of the water and to the rescue. She has clearly been successful in driving the grizzly away because the next thing we see is the bear racing down the road (with no calf) being pursued by the moose.

Grizzly Hunting Moose

This impressive Mom towers above the grizzly as she races after the predator. The bear decides to head for the water but then changes their mind and races back across the area where the cameraman is recording the event. The bear is completely spooked and is desperately trying to get away from the moose which is probably why they make a massive error of judgement. The bear crashes into the window of the gift shop/coffee shop and we can clearly hear the smashing glass as well as gasps from the human witnesses. Grizzly bears are omnivores so they eat both plants and animals. Most of their diet is made up of plant material, however, sometimes they need to eat meat and a moose provides a big meal. Whilst a grizzly would struggle to overcome a fit, adult moose, they are able to capture calves more easily. That, of course, is provided they can get past the Mom. We learn from the video notes that this lucky calf remained safe and sound after this adventure.

Next up:

Watch a “Jesus Moose” Run on the Water Effortlessly Watch This Moose Try to Crash a BBQ With Fireworks Watch a Grizzly Ambush Three Moose in Denali