Lions Chill in the Middle of the Road

The footage starts with two lions curled up facing each other on a dust track. They are completely relaxed and oblivious to the fact that several trucks are lining up on the road because they cannot pass. They lie with paws stretched out and facing each other like a couple of domestic cats on a sofa. Behind them, around six or seven trucks are at a standstill and cannot go anywhere! Incredibly, a third lion then strolls calmly through the trucks to check out what their friends are doing. It obviously looks a whole lot of fun because the third lion also flops down – on their heads! Now the traffic has even less hope of getting anywhere!

Lions Living in Prides

Lions are amongst the largest and most powerful of the felines, they are also very sociable. Lions live in groups called prides and these are mostly made up of females and their offspring. There will be one or two mature males in the pride and they will have the mating rights to the females. Male lions may also group together to defend a territory from other males. Prides can be small (around five individuals) or large (around 15 lions) and each lion territory is usually between 15 and hundreds of square miles but can be smaller if prey is plentiful. Scientists have observed that lions in a pride maintain relationships by snuggling up to each other and can be very tactile. Male lions are more likely to head-rub rather than lick each other. Bonds between male lions are important as they may need to form partnerships to defend territory. Bonding between females is also important for the pride to co-operate with each other to hunt and to raise the young lions. Siblings within a pride are also very tactile with each other. We do not know what the relationship between these lions is, but they seem very relaxed in each other’s company right now!

Next up:

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