A Warthog Encounters Some Lions

For the first half of the video, we see a warthog ambling and then trotting down a dirt track. Every now and again, they stop to nibble at some of the vegetation and they are perfectly relaxed. What this laid-back warthog does not realize is that there are a couple of lions waiting to ambush just to the left of the camera. We can see the backs of their heads, well-camouflaged amongst the golden grass but the warthog has not yet realized what is up ahead. The lions show great patience by staying hidden even when the warthog stops for quite a while to eat some grass. All we can see is their heads bobbing above the grass every now and again. At the midpoint of the video, one of the lions starts to creep forward and the warthog suddenly senses that something is going on! Amazingly, as one lion creeps ever closer through the tall grass, the super cool warthog decides that there is nothing to worry about and goes back to grazing. In fact, the warthog walks towards the waiting lion! At one point, the lion turns towards the camera as if to say “Can you believe this guy?” Finally, the warthog notices the lions and tries to make a run for it, accelerating towards the camera. But the lions are faster and larger and there are two of them! The outcome is sadly inevitable.

Warthogs in Africa

Warthogs are found throughout southern and central Africa. They are a member of the swine family and are recognizable by their four sharp tusks and padded bumps on their face that look like warts – hence the name warthog. They live in family groups and are rarely aggressive – they would prefer to run away than pick a fight. As we see from this video, they are not slow! Warthogs can reach speeds of up to 30 mph! Lions are not the only animals to hunt warthogs. They are also preyed upon by cheetahs, leopards, hyenas and even crocodiles. Warthogs, on the other hand, eat mainly grass and tubers but will also eat insects. Unfortunately, this individual was so busy looking for food that they forgot to look out for predators!

Next up:

Watch a Pride of 18 Lions Attack a Rhino as Zebras and Buffalos Watch Watch a Cheetah and Adult Lion Face Off Watch A Cornered Crocodile Fight Five Adult Lions