A dog that seems naturally aggressive is usually following a sequence of behaviors. Often this represents an intra-household temperament, where the dog is sending a message. Whether it’s towards strangers or an animal, the dog wants to indicate something’s amiss. You represent prey, a territorial invader, or other action. The signs of idiopathic behavior in the most aggressive dogs include:

Becoming rigid and stillGrowling, snapping or snarlingPresenting their teethThreatening guttural barksLunging or charging at a person or animalTrying to control the other person or animal with significant pressure (such as refusing to let them pass)Dog punches with their nose (called a “muzzle punch”)Warning nips that leave no markBite that leaves a bruise or puncture woundsRepeated, consecutive bitesBites and shaking

What Are the Major Types of Aggression in Dogs?

Most aggressive dogs exhibit common forms of body language that are threatening. For a lot of dogs, aggression is a natural form of communication. But the behavior’s also categorized as problematic and undesirable in the different types of aggressive dogs. Signs of aggressive behavior include:


A lot of this behavior is idiopathic. Predatory aggression is grounded as much in fear or anxiety as an emotional reaction motivated by the brain. When left untethered, the situation becomes unmanageable and now pet owners need to know where to surrender their animals. There are different contexts in which the behavior happens. Ultimately, the dog wants to send a message:

Increase your distanceBe forwarnedYou are prey

Here are primary forms of naturally aggressive behavior in scary dogs.

10 Types of Aggressive Dogs

From a dog that bites to scary dogs that are territorial, canines exhibit control-related behavior that invokes fear and can potentially lead to injury. But some animals have a greater temperament for the behavior than others. Here’s a list of 10 different types of aggressive dogs.

1. American Staffordshire Terrier

American Staffordshire Terriers are called pit bulls because of their use as fighting dogs… in pits. Resource guarding is a strong characteristic, but typically these are loving and affectionate dogs. It’s the aggressive training to fight that taints behavior. But even the worst fighters have gotten dog training and become trustworthy pets.

2. German Shepherd

German Shepherds are one of the most popular breeds in the world. They’re put to work as guides, guard dogs, police dogs, and search-and-rescue animals. Their intra-household intensity and stature easily come across as intimidating. German Shepherds have a naturally protective temperament which may turn aggressive. Early socialization can help with this.

3. Rottweilers

With stock, thick frames, and topping out at 150 pounds, the affectionate Rottweiler is a massive threat. Strong as it gets, this breed once pulled carts filled with butchered meat. Naturally aggressive and extremely territorial, many owners have taken advantage of those traits, creating attack dogs. Without improper dog training, the Rottweiler is a docile and loving family pet.

4. Cane Corso

A giant mastiff, the Italian-bred Cane Corso guards property and hunts big game. It’s extremely protective and a socialized pet that still shows a lack of comfort towards strangers. The Cane Corso needs a consistent and firm owner, and early dog training. In many cases, this dog cannot share a home with smaller animals or even be around neighbors or roaming animals.

5. Chow Chow

Chow Chows are extremely territorial. They hunt, herd, guard, and show exceptional devotion to their family. Early socialization and dog training are critical if you want this fluffy pooch as a pet. Otherwise, you may end up with an idiopathic animal that shows signs of bad behavior.

6. Siberian Husky

Famous for sled racing, Siberian Huskies have endless energy and brilliant intelligence. They require regular mental and physical stimulation. Frustration can lead to aggressive behavior. They’re capable of going after small neighborhood animals and household pets. The dog has an unpredictable personality and requires monitoring around children and strangers.

7. Doberman Pinschers

The Doberman is one of the most recognized dogs in the world. Their intellect is keen and they’re affectionate and friendly when dog training gets implemented early. Untrained animals are usually highly sensitive and suspicious towards strangers. These dogs exhibit natural control-related and resource guarding behavior which can lead to risky situations. The behavior needs tempering with common sense that comes from training.

8. Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is often a pampered toy dog, but trust they have big, aggressive personalities. And like a dog that bites, they have no problem going after a threat. They are not a choice for families with small children as the dogs do not tolerate adventurous behavior. The animal famously bonds with a single family member and is ready to die for them, even against vastly larger animals.

9. Akita

The Akita is a Japanese breed. Dog training leans traditionally toward guard or police work. They are naturally aggressive towards other dogs and are wary of strangers. Dog training at an early age is critical, helping them to stop seeing animals and people as threats.

10. Perro de Presa Canario

Borne out of the Canary Islands for herding, the giant Perro de Presa Canario was bred to meet threats. With its control-related training, the pet needs the hand of a firm and experienced dog owner. Smart owners keep a strong six-foot fence to prevent the animal from roaming the neighborhood. With the Perro de Presa Canario, socialization and training are not only imperative, they have to be constant.

Dog Training

Training will be critical to correcting naturally aggressive behavior. Keep track of when the animal shows aggression as well as the circumstances. Later, the information will be influential in looking at the underlying cause of the behavior. The info will also be important in deciding your next step as you’ll have a record to show the vet or trainer.

What You Can Do

The different types of aggressive dogs can lead to dangerous scenarios. Below are ways to manage canine aggression.

Relax: Dogs feed off of our anxiety. Remain calm and firm. You don’t want to stress yourself or the dog.Assess: Frustration might be driving your dog. It may need more exercise, socialization or time outdoors. Pay attention to the animal’s temperament to help deflate signs of aggression.No Bullying: A lot of aggression in dogs comes from irresponsible training which often includes taunting and punishment. Avoid putting the dog on trial. Be fair and firm, but not overly angry or punitive.Pick Carefully: Many newcomers don’t do research and end up with a breed they didn’t prepare for. This is unfair to the dog and the family.Speak With a Vet: Medical conditions, such as pain related injury, can link back to bad behavior.Seek Help: Dog training will be instrumental in correcting animal temperament. A certified trainer can alleviate stress and potential risk.

We’d like to prevent owners from needing to find out where to surrender their beloved pets. Depending on the breed and each dog’s unique temperament, there may be different approaches for managing aggressive behavior. Alongside the help of a professional, you’ll need time, consistency, and patience. Keep reading these posts for more incredible information about key animal facts.

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