Check out a list highlighting eight silver animals that are rare and/or unique.

#8 The Chinchilla

Some chinchillas live in the wild while others are kept in households as pets. Wild chinchillas live in the Andes Mountains in South America. These silver animals have a thick layer of soft fur and a short, brush-like tail. Unfortunately, short-tailed chinchillas are becoming rarer. They are listed as endangered by the IUCN. These small silver animals are captured to make fur coats. These animals are small rodents so it takes over a hundred of them to produce a fur coat. Chinchillas in the wild are also losing their habitat due to deforestation. Look right here for lots of information on chinchillas.

#7 The Great Gray Owl

The great gray owl has a mixture of brown, white, and gray feathers. This owl’s coloration allows it to blend in with its forest environment. Its camouflage combined with its silent flight has earned it unique nicknames such as the Great Gray Ghost and Phantom of the North. Though its overall conservation status is “least concern,” this owl is considered endangered in California due to habitat loss. They make their nests in tall trees with dense foliage. Many of these trees have been lost to deforestation causing this owl to move further north in search of another habitat. Visit this page for more on owls.

#6 The Gray Four-Eyed Opossum

The gray four-eyed opossum lives in the forests of Central and South America. While most opossums have gray fur, this particular gray opossum has something that makes it unique. Along with its silver fur, it has a spot of white fur above each eye. That’s how it got its name. These white spots help in protecting the opossum from predators. When an animal in the wild closes its eyes and goes to sleep, it’s at risk of being attacked by another animal. But, when a gray four-eyed opossum goes to sleep, a predator mistakes its white spots as open eyes. So, this opossum’s white spots are unique and serve as a defense against predators. Discover more about opossums on this page.

#5 The Silver Fox Rabbit

With over 300 breeds of rabbit worldwide, the silver fox rabbit is considered a rare one. This domesticated rabbit shares a similar appearance with a silver fox. It has a black coat of fur with silver hair mixed in all over its body. The silver fox rabbit was first bred in the early 20th century. A decline in the population of this rabbit put it at risk of extinction by the 1970s. However, a few breeders started to replenish the silver fox rabbit saving it from extinction. Though they are no longer in danger of extinction, they are still a rare find for pet owners who love rabbits. Read more about rabbits here.

#4 The Silverback Gorilla

A male western gorilla is also called a silverback gorilla. These rare animals live in the western portion of Africa. If you look at a picture of a silverback gorilla, you’ll see that it has a black coat of fur with silver hair spread across its back as well as its back legs. These gorillas can be up to 400 pounds fully grown. Western gorillas are listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN, as critically endangered. A loss of their forest habitat, poaching activity, and disease have all contributed to decreasing the population of this gorilla. Look at this page for more on gorillas.

#3 The Gray Poodle

Take one look at a gray poodle and you know it definitely belongs on a list of animals with silver fur. Though you have probably seen a lot of poodles, did you know poodles with gray fur are considered rare? This poodle is rare because, in order to have gray or silver fur, a puppy must have two recessive genes known as silvering genes. Furthermore, a silver poodle is born with black fur. Its coat begins to turn silver or gray within its first year of life. So, it’s sometimes a surprise to a breeder or owner when a poodle turns out to have silver fur instead of a coat of black fur. When it comes to poodles, “gray” covers a wide range of colors, such as light gray, blue ash, silver, and dark silver. The “preferred” color is a silver-gray with blue undertones. The gray poodle has a thinner and less-course coat than poodles of other colors, so they are prone to sunburn. Check out more on poodles.

#2 The Grey Wolf

The grey wolf doesn’t have a solid coat of grey fur. Its coat is a mixture of black, white, light, and brown as well as grey. These unique animals with silver fur live in packs and can thrive in a variety of habitats. They live in forests, on grasslands, and even on the frozen tundra. These wolves were once considered endangered due to loss of habitat and decreased access to food. But, as a result of conservation efforts, they are now categorized as least concern by the IUCN. To learn more about wolves read these facts.

#1 The Silver Fox

Foxes of all colors are known for their ability to stay hidden. So, seeing a fox in the wild is a rare occurrence. If you see a silver fox, you’ve definitely gotten a look at a rare animal. A silver fox is not a separate species of fox. They belong to the red fox species. But, instead of having a thick coat of red fur, they have black fur with a layer of grey or silver hair. A silver fox has a genetic mutation causing increased pigment in its fur. Despite being a different color, the silver fox shares the same brush-like tail, hunting habits, and diet as other foxes in the wild. For more on foxes visit this page.

Summary of Top 8 Rare Silver Animals

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Check out more information on these gray beauties.

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