Once all the lions are together, three white lions team up against an older lion, darker-colored lion. They have the numbers advantage, but the old lion knows how to hold his own. The first white lion snaps at the older lion, and they have a brief, violent exchange before another lion interrupts the battle. The old lion wisely retreats. Next, the final member of the three white lions joins the fray. The old lion distances himself some more. Rather than allow itself to be flanked, the aged male retreats against a fence and launches a ferocious attack, injuring one of its attackers. The old lion keeps moving away from the fray, making the others chase him while he deals out punishment. A fourth lion emerges, but it doesn’t seem to bother the old one. Eventually, the old lion is cornered and it’s clear that the lion either has a nose wound or got the blood of his enemy on his face. The old lion trots away from trouble while being stalked by one of the smaller white lions. The old lion has had enough of the fighting and decides to go into the interior enclosure. For a moment, it looks as though he’s made a fatal mistake as two of the other lions pursue him. Suddenly, they run out of the enclosure. The old lion is in hot pursuit. Although they take a couple more snaps at the old-timer while he chases them, it looks like their desire to battle has been lost. One of the white lions is bleeding from its hind leg, and another had sustained a bite to its head. The videographers say that the old lion wandered into the three white lions’ territory, sparking the fight. Yet, it’s unclear what prompted the battle. Lions regularly fight for supremacy in their prides, often defeating or killing the lead male and taking his place. So, they could have been trying to dethrone the old-timer, but he wasn’t having it. Unfortunately, this fight was probably not the old lion’s last. Eventually, he will get too old or weak to fight off the three others, and that will be the end of him. For now, though, he’s fought off three males in their prime and sent them back to lick their wounds. The video ends with the three white lions marking their territory and wandering away from the male that had hurt them so badly.

Up Next: See More Videos of White Lions and Others in Action

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