In a recent clip, we see what may be one of the craziest hunting videos of all time. This isn’t a “human’s” version of hunting in a tree stand with a gun, either—this is an apex predator hunting in the remote mountains of the Himalayas. The clip starts off dramatically. A snow leopard is chasing a species of mountain goat across snowy rocks. The two are clearly very high up in the mountains, as we are about to see in more detail. Right off the bat, the leopard grabs the goat, and the two fly off the edge of a massive cliff. In what seems like a fake video (even though it isn’t), the leopard and the goat float through the sky, interlocked in aerial combat. Finally, after two whole seconds in the air, they slam into the side of the cliff. Most people would think that these animals have totally splattered and are dead, but no! Incredibly, they resume their deadly fighting as soon as they hit the ground, seemingly unphased. Since these two animals live in the mountains, they have adapted a bit in order to survive. Leopards, like most cats, are extremely flexible and able to survive some of the craziest falls around. As the two continue to struggle, they fall further and further down the hill. Hundreds, and possibly thousands of feet down, the two creatures struggle in a battle of life and death. They spin and tumble through the air, repeatedly slamming into the side of the mountain. Somehow, the leopard seems to not notice the landings and continues to try and get a grip on the goat’s neck. Finally, their tumbling slows and the leopard appears to get the upper hand. We don’t know what this meal cost the leopard, but it’s clear that leaping from the side of a cliff isn’t unreasonable when looking for food in the Himalayas! Whenever you see your little housecat making insane leaps around the living room and somehow landing on its feet, just know that in a different lifetime, it was hunting a goat in the Himalayas.

Make Sure You Check Out the Insane Clip Below!

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