This is that kind of video. It’s a young polar bear and tiger kitten enthralled with one another. They’re separated by glass. It’s a short clip and the music is cute and upbeat, setting a playful tone for the video. The polar bear is on the right side of the glass and the tiger kitten is on the left. Both are standing upright on their two hind legs, pawing at the glass. They’re very obviously curious about one another and want to play. The polar bear is significantly larger and taller — so much so that it has one paw on top of the glass enclosure, holding itself steady while its left paw presses against the glass where the tiger kitten is. The tiger kitten is reaching all the way up with its paws, but it only makes it to about where the polar bear’s neck is. Then, the tiger kitten falls back on all fours and the young polar bear follows suit, coming down on all fours and jumping back up excitedly. The tiger lazily paws back on the glass with a single paw while the polar bear exerts tons of energy, still jumping. At one point, it drapes both of its paws on top of the glass and kicks its feet up onto the glass. It almost looks like it could easily get over! Although they’re both quite playful, it’s evident the polar bear would seriously dominate that tiger. Polar bear cubs are only with their mothers for about six months. Once they reach that age, they can go off on their own. Tiger kittens, on the other hand, stay with their mothers until they reach two years of age. At six months, they’re barely weaning off their mother’s milk. Both of these cute, young animals are apex predators. They’re each going to grow exponentially, but tigers cannot compare to the size of polar bears. Male polar bears can grow to weigh more than 1,700 pounds whereas grown male tigers weigh close to 700 pounds. They’re not meant to share space, especially not as close as you see them in this video!

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