Numerous contacts between humans and wolves take place without ever resulting in any human fatalities or injuries. But other species should also be taken into account. In many ways, the health of the other animals that inhabit the planet with us is our responsibility.  In general, wolves stay away from people and are naturally suspicious of them, particularly when there are pups present. It’s rare to see a sighting such as this and we applaud the gentleman filming for keeping so calm and being respectful.  A high level of tolerance for humans can be expected from wolves in locations where their exposure to humans is high and where they do not view humans as a threat, even though individual wolves differ in their apprehension regarding humans.  In locations where people and wolves overlap regularly and exposure rates are high, wolves will demonstrate a high level of acceptance towards individuals, but will generally exhibit fear and aversion to communicating directly. Plainly said, a wolf isn’t going to approach you for a cuddle. 

Respecting Nature

One comment sums up what we’re all thinking. It reads: “I would sell my soul to live in a place where such encounters were possible. My deepest respect & greatest thanks for not seeking to shoot or run over the wolf. It’s such a fine and beautiful animal.” Wolves aren’t known for having incredible eyesight. In fact, they can only really see what’s directly in front of them. If you notice the wolf in the video is moving his head around a lot and looking in all directions, it’s a form of self-protection. These animals typically can’t see too well out of their peripherals.  They can, however, smell humans and other animals. Because the man in the footage is in a vehicle, it may have disguised his scent slightly, as the wolf doesn’t seem to notice him. The sense of smell, which is approximately 100 times more potent in wolves than in humans, is their greatest sense.  A wolf may determine information about another wolf’s age, size, stress level, authority, reproductive state, and even personal identification by analyzing its smell markers. What would you do if you were in this situation? Judging by the video comments, many people hope to experience such an encounter! 

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