According to the video found at the bottom of this page, the grizzly bear is guarding a carcass that’s in the river offscreen. Yet, the video does not show it. The grey wolf bristles at the presence of the grizzly bear, which doesn’t seem all that concerned. The wolf growls and the grizzly bear sniffs the ground, unconcerned. The grey wolf seems to be put off by the fact that the grizzly bear is not reacting to it. The grey wolf lunges and stands in front of the grizzly. Meanwhile, the bear continues to sniff the ground. The bear isn’t that concerned with the potential fight. The grizzly bear finally decides to acknowledge the grey wolf, and the latter takes up the challenge. It leaps back and growls at the bear, ready for a fight. The grizzly bear isn’t ready to give it one, though. The grey wolf continues to growl, bears its teeth, and moves to cut off the bear’s escape route. The grizzly bear isn’t looking to run, though.  It just wants to eat the carrion in peace. The wolf isn’t ready to leave, though. The tension reaches a breaking point. Something serious is about to happen. The grizzly and grey wolf standoff takes a sudden, unexpected turn. The bear backs up a few steps, squats down, and defecates. Meanwhile, the grey wolf decides to give the bear a little space. The wolf walks off a few paces and stares off in the opposite direction. The grey wolf is not about to start fighting while the bear is taking care of its business. Now that the fight has temporarily paused, the grey wolf decides that it has to take care of some business of its own. The wolf squats and begins to defecate as well. Thus, the grizzly and grey wolf fight trails off. After the wolf has finished, it doesn’t demonstrate any further aggression. Thus, the two animals seem to call it quits and end the battle. If this did come to blows, the grizzly bear would probably win. It has the strength, size, and aggression needed to put down the bear. Interestingly, this bear isn’t all that big yet. They can grow up to 4 feet tall, 1,000 pounds, and over 7 feet long! Still, if the grey wolf brought its friends around, the grizzly bear would have a serious fight on its hands. For now, the two animals are happy to have vented, but the issue of who claims the carcass is outstanding.  

Up Next:

Watch an Entire Wolf Pack Descend on a Trespassing GrizzlyWatch a Wolf Chase a Bear in Completely Normal Day in AlaskaWatch a Wolf Pack Emerge From Nowhere To Fight a Huge GrizzlyWatch A Foolhardy Wolf Try And Steal Dinner From A Brown Bear
