The condition is called albinism and is caused by a genetic defect that prevents melanin production. Without melanin, the animal cannot produce skin color or protect itself from UV light damage. Albino animals tend to be highly fragile and easily sunburned due to their lack of protection from UV rays. Albino crocodiles are extremely rare because crocs usually have dark skin for a reason—they need it.  Crocodiles can get sunburned quickly and even die if exposed too long without protection. They need dark skin, so they do not burn while basking in the sun during hot weather. The dark pigmentation also helps protect them from predators who use heat-sensing vision to find prey.

Are White Crocodiles Dangerous?

Crocodiles with white skin are not dangerous. They are only a threat if they feel threatened. They will not attack humans unless provoked, which is why they are sometimes called “saltwater crocodiles.”  In the video, the giant crocodile seems friendly to the zookeeper, giving it some food. Crocodiles have an excellent sense of smell to detect prey from long distances. They also have good hearing and eyesight but do not have the best underwater vision. They hunt mainly at night or early morning hours and often remain submerged for several minutes before attacking their prey.

What to Do When You Encounter a White Crocodile?

If you come across a crocodile in the wild, there are several things you can do to avoid attack: don’t panic, back away slowly, be loud and make yourself look big, and do not get between a mother and young.

Don’t Panic

Crocodiles are ambush predators, so they do not usually attack humans unless they feel threatened or cornered. If you see a crocodile, stay calm and slowly back away from the water’s edge. Leave plenty of room for the animal to move away from you and return to the water. The best thing you can do is to leave it alone and let it go on its way.

Back Away Slowly

Suppose you notice a crocodile approaching you; back away slowly while keeping your hands visible at all times so that it knows you are not a threat. You can also try to appear larger than you are by raising your arms over your head and waving them gently from side to side (known as the “hugging” position). However, do not run or turn your back on the animal, as this may trigger its attack instinct.

Be Loud and Make Yourself Look Big

If there are other people around who can help distract the animal, call out loudly for help or clap your hands to make yourself sound more significant than you are — this will scare off most predators, including crocodiles.

Don’t Get Between a Mother and Her Young

Getting between a mother and her young could trigger an attack because she will think you are trying to take her babies.

Up Next:

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