This situation happened when a pack of lions attacked a water buffalo. The buffalo was down on the ground, ready to breathe its last breath, before a couple of the lions started fighting. The footage is absolutely incredible and shows that these lions had their priorities mixed up! In cooperative hunts, the lioness typically starts the kill. Lions follow their prey and, when sufficiently close, attempt a brief charge on it in an attempt to either pounce on it or knock it over. Ironically enough, it was the lionesses that started the fight.  The two males in the video are from a different pride than the two females, which may not be immediately clear. By accident, the two males and the females were both able to make kills when the females drove the herd toward them. The four of them appear content to eat together, and as they kill the hapless buffalo, there doesn’t seem to be any conflict. The video below has a funny undertone to it. You can see one male lion holding down the water buffalo by the neck after an attempt to escape. The lion places his paw down, almost to say, “Where do you think you’re going?”

Let the Ladies Take Over

The male cats, as expected, have no issues with their woman getting involved, but one of the other female felines immediately displays little enthusiasm. This conflict is not unexpected because lion prides are built around the females in the group, not the males, who arrive and depart from the pride more frequently than the females. A pride’s female members typically do not accept interference from other females, which leads to altercations like this one. Although they are land animals, water buffaloes are heavily reliant on water. They squander most of their time in mud pits or waterways. They may live in herds of up to 30 individuals and are gregarious animals. Subadult females, their calves, and adult females usually make up herds. Eventually, the entire pride of lions gets involved in the fight and walks away from the water buffalo entirely. The water buffalo takes this chance and gets up as if nothing happened! You can spot him making his way up a hill, back to the rest of his herd. It’s truly like something out of a movie!

Up Next:

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