Keep reading to discover 5 of the most haunted places near Oklahoma City. Maybe if you are lucky, you will bump into a ghost!

Skirvin Hotel

Did you know the Skirvin Hotel is sometimes considered the most haunted hotel in the U.S? The title does change frequently though. Skirvin Hotel first opened its doors in 1911. The owner, W.B. Skirvin, wanted to build the finest hotel in the Southwest. Fun fact, this building was one of the first in Oklahoma City to have an AC system. It continued to grow in popularity and was eventually expanded to contain over 500 rooms. The hotel closed in 1988 but was bought and re-opened 15 years later. So, what happened to make this hotel haunted? The most popular ghost residing in the old vintage building is Effie. She supposedly was a maid who W.B. Skirvin had an affair with. She became pregnant but was not happy. To prevent a scandal, the building’s owner locked her in a room. She gave birth but killed herself and her baby by jumping out of the hotel window. This sad story may not have been the end for both Effie and her baby. Some hotel guests still complain about small baby cries during the middle of the night. Another strange occurrence is the shadowy figure of a weeping woman, Effie, who visits the men that stay in the hotel. Even some NBA players swear they experienced her gloom. Since this hotel is operational, why not book a room and try to do some ghost hunting? Who knows what you will find?

Contact Information

Address: One Park Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73102Phone: (405) 272-3040

Overholser Mansion

Henry Overholser, the “father of Oklahoma City”, built their Overholser Mansion in 1903 after purchasing the land in 1901. It is a 11,700 square-foot Châteauesque-styled mansion with a 4,000 square foot carriage house. The grand house has a lot of character and international flair. For example, the inside of the home was hand painted, and the lights were imported from Italy. When visiting, you can still see the original French stained-glass windows. Just because a house or mansion is old doesn’t automatically mean it’s haunted, but what about this property? The Overholser Mansion is home to a few haunting ghosts, including Anna Ione Overholser, the socialite wife. Some employees account that they have seen her glistening, but ghostly figure drift throughout the home. Another shadowy figure is sometimes seen peeking through the windows, almost like they are watching the outside and stuck inside of the mansion. The mansion is preserved well and does offer tours on select days. They are self-guided and require a small fee. You can also see the mansion after dark in a night-time, thrilling tour.

Contact Information

Address: 405 NW 15th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103Phone: (405) 525-5325

Edmond Central Middle School

There are always rumors circling schools, and Edmond Central Middle School is no exception. This middle school opened in 1959 and has served the Edmond school district for years. While the information has not been confirmed or denied, students, faculty, and staff believe that a Victorian ghost haunts the school grounds, but why? The school first opened as Edmond High School. Some rumors suggest the school was built near or on top of remains as old as 200 years. Frequently, students complain of cold rooms, rickety floors, and a translucent figure walking around the school. She doesn’t seem to be an angry or vengeful ghost and instead watches from a distance. While you can take a ghost tour and hear local stories and myths about this school, it isn’t a good idea to go yourself! It is still functional, ghost or no ghost.

Contact Information

Address: 500 E 9th St #5401, Edmond, OK 73034Phone: (405) 340-2890

The Hatchet House

The Hatchet House is infamous for being a terrifying home filled with ghosts and tragic stories. Ghost hunters from all over the nation, amateurs and experts, travel to this location in hopes of finding evidence of a spirit. The house doesn’t look too unordinary, especially during the day. It’s located in a quiet and calm neighborhood in Oklahoma. The story of what happened in this home changes depending on who tells the story. In some versions, it happened during the 1920s, while others state it was actually in the 1950s. The tragic event happened on Carey Place and NW 18. Carey, a young girl maybe no older than 8, was playing on the swings when a crazed man with a hatchet ran after her. In fear, Carey ran to Carey Place and knocked on everyone’s door out of fear. No one let her in, and she was murdered. All the houses that ignored her now have red-painted driveways. Her own driveway was painted red to hide the remaining bloodstains. Regardless if it happened or if it’s a myth, it’s a sad one! The house where she was supposedly killed still has hatchets over the windows. To this day, residents and ghost hunters can hear a little girl crying and the swing which she played on will swing by itself.

Contact Information

Address: Hatchet House at 1901 Carey Place

St. Vincent’s Asylum

It shouldn’t surprise you to know that most asylums have chilling stories and possible supernatural forces. The St. Vincent’s Mental Asylum was built in 1945 and was run by the religious order Brothers of Mercy. Within ten years the asylum expanded to include semi-private rooms, nurses’ stations, and a chapel. The asylum was used as a nursing home, rehab center, and an asylum during its life. Now, it sits abandoned collecting dust and graffiti. During the 1960s is when the hospital experienced unimaginable tragedy, supposedly. According to some reports, a nurse killed two patients by suffocating them. These two patients still haunt the abandoned asylum. It was closed sometime in the 1970s, although the priest who ran the building had completed his mission in 1969. Visitors who choose to visit this thrilling old and abandoned asylum often hear moans, cries, and low groans. It is a historical landmark, which has seen better days. The building is falling apart, missing windows, and some parts are taken over by wild plants and weeds.

Contact Information

Address: 3500 NE 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK 73121

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