Ghost stories are common in this city. While there aren’t a lot of haunted places, the ones that exist are enough to make you shiver and squirm! Listed below are 8 of the most haunted places near Nashville and interesting facts about each.

Bell Witch Cave

There was no way we were going to create this list of the most haunted places near Nashville and not include the Bell Witch Cave. The story of the Bell Witch is old but became popular during the 1800s when even President Andrew Jackson discussed the urban legend. The Bell Witch Cave is a karst cave located in Adams, Tennessee. It is privately owned and 490 feet long. You can tour the cave with a professional during the summer and in October. So, who is the Bell Witch? The Bell Witch is Southern United States folklore about the Bell family in Tennessee. From 1817 to 1821, farmer John Bell Sr. and his family were attacked by a spiritual entity that could talk and shapeshift. In later writings, the Bell Witch was named Kate. She supposedly harassed Betsy, one of John’s daughters who was engaged to a local. The hauntings and harassment did not stop until she broke the engagement off and the witch disappeared for seven years. Legend has it that Betsy and some friends visited the cave and one of the boys got stuck. A disembodied voice said, “I’ll get him out!” Invisible hands pulled him out of the hole and the (still disembodied) voice proceeded to lecture the youngsters about the dangers of exploring caves. While we aren’t sure if the Bell With was real or if this is just fun folklore, the cave is a creepy sight. If you choose to explore the cave, be careful and stay safe as the rocky conditions can be dangerous.

Contact Information

Address: 430 Keysburg Rd, Adams, TN 37010Phone: (615) 696-3055

Tennessee State Capitol Building

Old government buildings are almost always hiding secrets, and sometimes spooky ghosts. Don’t let the Tennessee State Capitol Building’s outside beauty fool you, it is considered one of the most haunted places in Nashville! The building was completed on July 21st, 1855. Where the capital now stands used to be a prominent Roman Catholic church and cathedral. William Strickland designed the building with inspiration from an Ionic Greek temple. Strickland worked alongside Samuel Morgan. They did not like each other, which led to nine long years of fighting and bickering. So much in fact, that they were buried in different corners of the building. Multiple ghosts are said to haunt this building, but the two most notable pairs of spirits are Andrew Jackson and his wife, and the two bickering designers. Some people claim they hear arguing, enough to call the police. But when law enforcement shows up, there is no one in sight. The ghost of Andrew Jackson is also said to stay near his tomb. However, more notably is his wife who sings, cries, and wails dressed in all black. He passed away and she lived for over 40 years without him. Capitol Hill welcomes visitors, although there is no guarantee you will witness a spirit. Best recommendation is to join a professional ghost tour, they are likely to walk you to Tennessee’s State Capitol Building.

Contact Information

Address: 600 Dr. M.L.K. Jr Blvd, Nashville, TN 37243Phone: (615) 360-4326

The Union Station Hotel

The Union Station Hotel is popular amongst paranormal investigators and interested parties. The interest is so large that the hotel attracts amateur ghost hunters who stay a night or two with their equipment! This hotel was built in the early 1900s, however, it was first a train depot on the L&N Railroad. The building was abandoned but bought and remodeled into a luxurious and historic hotel in the mid-1980s. When visiting the hotel or booking online, you may notice they are actually open about their paranormal history and boast about it! This is a perfect place for those who love all things spooky. So, what are the ghost stories that plague this hotel? There are so many to choose from, but a local favorite surrounds room 711. Abigail was a young woman in her 20s during World War II. Her lover never made it home from war and out of grief she threw herself in front of the train, killing herself. Although guests have spotted her ghost in other parts of the hotel, she is infamously known to bother guests in room 711. One theory as to why she likes room 711 is that it gives the best view of the train tracks. It is on the top floor and yet tourists claim to hear growling, shuffling, and muffled voices above the room. Not only can you take an informational ghost tour, but you can act bravely and stay a night!

Contact Information

Address: 1001 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203Phone: (615) 726-1001

Opryland Hotel

Although not as old as some other hotels on this list, the Opryland hotel is without a doubt creepy, yet charming. It opened in 1977 as a nine-acre luxurious resort-style hotel. The McGavocks, a prominent Nashville family owned the land before it was a hotel. Now, some guests and staff claim to see Mrs. McGavock, dressed in all black, roaming the halls. She likes to give wake-up calls at odd hours of the day, frightening visitors! The “Lady in Black” is an active spirit. She is said to also haunt the nearby Two Rivers Mansion. She is not an angry spirit but does frighten visitors. The Lady in Black is often seen wearing a large black civil-war-style dress. One staff member remembers seeing her figure while working a late shift and saying, “Good afternoon ma’am.” She nodded and disappeared in front of his eyes. This story is just one of many! Whether or not this spirit is real, we can’t tell you, but still, thousands of visitors flock to the luxurious hotel every year, hoping to witness the alleged hauntings. Are you interested in seeing her yourself? Bright your phone and some detecting equipment and spend a night in one of the most haunted places near Nashville.

Contact Information

Address: 2800 Opryland Dr, Nashville, TN 37214Phone: (615) 889-1000

The Hermitage Hotel

The Hermitage Hotel is a world-class hotel with historical significance in the Nashville area. During the 1900s, there was a lack of luxurious hotels and things to do. That changed when a group of businessmen came together and built the Hermitage Hotel on September 17, 1910. It became such an important part of Nashville, that the locals coined the phrase “meet me at the Hermitage”. Fun fact, the hotel hosted presidents like Taft, Nixon, Wilson, Roosevelt, and Kennedy. Hotels over a century old are almost 100% likely to have a resident ghost or two! This hotel has seen a lot of visitors, which means that many emotions and memories are tied to this beautiful hotel. The two most popular spirits include the resident ghost in room 912 and the woman in white. Room 912 is said to be haunted by multiple spirits, including the crying of a baby. Visitors often hear loud sounds, a baby cry, and the feeling that somebody is watching them. The baby has some connections to local folklore, although there is nothing to prove that it occurred. According to locals, a baby was dropped from the window of the room and its spirit never left. The woman in white is also popular. She has haunted the hotel for years and is thought to be an older resident who called the hotel home during the 1910s. This spirit seems to like to mess with guests by hiding their things, knocking on the walls, and opening and closing doors.

Contact Information

Address: 231 6th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37219Phone: (615) 244-3121

Ryman Auditorium

The Ryman Auditorium sticks out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of large modern glass buildings. This space was built in 1892 as the Union Gospel Tabernacle, a church. Thomas Ryman wanted to create a place for peaceful worship, but it’s said that his ghost has haunted the grounds for a little over a century, angry that famous performers sing secular music in the building. Ryman passed away in 1904 and soon after the space was renamed in his honor, but also held live music events. In spiritual form, Ryman harasses live performers if their music was not godly or if the performance became too risque. While the opera Carmen was playing in the auditorium, he supposedly stomped and scared away the performers and guests since the message was ungodly. For about thirty years, a country music-focused radio show called Grand Ole Opry took over the space. The show was said to be cursed since at least 37 performers passed away after interacting with the show in the auditorium. Thankfully, this place is open to the public and offers self-guided tours. You can also join a Nashville ghost tour at night to hear more personal accounts and ghostly stories surrounding the Ryman Auditorium.

Contact Information

Address: 116 5th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37219Phone: (615) 889-3060

The Isaac Franklin Plantation

The Isaac Franklin Plantation, which is also known as Fairvue, does not resemble what it once was, but that doesn’t mean the spirits have left. Before we talk about the hauntings, let’s discuss the location. Isaac Franklin was a wealthy slave trader with his plantation. He worked alongside his nephew, John Armfield. The plantation was built during the 1930s on 2,200 acres of land. It featured a large home, smokehouse, stables, and blacksmith shops. Isaac Franklin was a cruel and harsh man. He was known for his awful and cruel treatment of his slaves, which are likely the spirits behind the hauntings. After he passed, the land was given to his widow and then sold to a man who used it to keep his racing horses. With so much tragedy and grief, this place is bound to have ghost stories. Although you can visit the plantation, it is now a high-end golf resort with membership plans. The house also went through a large remodeling, which means it is no longer a historical landmark. Guests who use the space often feel the temperature in rooms drop significantly. Some people also complain that they feel dread while walking around the property, likely a feeling that the slaves left behind. While it may not look like a place where slaves were beaten and traded, the deep feeling is still there. Where the slave homes once stood is a large neighborhood with modern homes and chilling ghost stories.

Contact Information

Address: 981 Plantation Blvd, Gallatin, TN 37066Phone: (615) 575-4300

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