Listed below are four of the most haunted places near Boston. Some of these places offer ghost tours, nightly adventures, and thrilling experiences for interested adventurers!

Fort Warren

Probably the most haunted place near Boston is Fort Warren. It was completed in 1864 and is over 40 acres big. The fort is positioned on a popular island, George’s Island, and was important during the civil war. Not only did Fort Warren experience the civil war, but it was also used during the Spanish American War, World War 1, and World War 2. Interestingly, this fort slowed down in popularity and started looking a lot like a landfill. Soon, the story of the “Lady in Black” emerged. Almost every big city has a story centering around a young woman, dressed in black, roaming the street. Boston is no different. Legend says Melanie Lanier’s husband was a confederate soldier in a Fort Warren prison. She devised a plan to get him out using a hum and her wits. During the journey from Georgia, she cut her hair short and wore large blue clothing to look like a union soldier. When she met with her husband, they were caught by a soldier, and he was immediately killed. Some stories suggest she pulled the trigger, while others point the blame at the soldier. She was sentenced to death by hanging, but asked for a black dress to wear. Now, a sorrowful woman with a black dress and hair roams the fort, bothering visitors. She seems harmless, but is there truth to this story? Just a few years ago, the story was debunked. There is no evidence pointing to this crime, but Samuel Lanier did exist and died in the fort. So, who is everyone seeing? Is it the dead soldiers? Or someone else entirely?

Contact Information

Address: Boston, MAPhone: (612) 735-6298

Emerson Cutler Majestic Theater

John Galen Howard, an amazing architect, designed this 1903 Beaux Arts style theater. The resident spirits are diverse and come from different decades. Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre opened shortly after the sad gas-line tragedy. It was the first theater in Boston to use electricity. This theater has had its share of ups and downs. For example, in the first decade, live performances brought in customers and interested viewers, but as numbers dwindled, it was converted into a movie theater, despite its classic beauty. During the 1950s, the Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre was showing X-rated films. Emerson College officials purchased the building and restored it to its original magnificence. You can still visit the operating theater and watch live performances. So, why do some people consider the theater haunted? Sadly, a few people passed away while the theater was open, including Miss Helen Macgregor. She was a leading lady in As Ye Sow, but passed away from shock after a simple operation on her hearing. The site where the theater is built was also where nine lives were taken in a gas explosion. Could these spirits be haunting the theater? Staff members often see apparitions with Victorian clothing sitting in the theater chairs or roaming the stage.

Contact Information

Address: 219 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02116Phone: (617) 824-8400

King’s Chapel Burying Grounds

It would be more surprising if King’s Chapel Burying Grounds wasn’t haunted! This cemetery was formed in 1630 and is a site on the Freedom Trail. Most of the city’s earliest residents were laid to rest in the cemetery, including some famous civil war heroes. The historic graveyard is alluring and oddly beautiful. The tombstones and markings are unique, detailing whose body is resting in the buried ground. So, why is there so much paranormal activity in this cemetery? What are some things locals have seen? Common folklore is the story of a man who was buried alive. The story is not confirmed, but could you imagine? By the time the authorities dug up the grave, he was dead. Another ghost that possibly haunts the cemetery is an unnamed woman who was buried with a grave that was too short. The officials cut her head off and placed it on top of her legs. Gruesome right? Locals say they can hear her yelling and cursing in anger at the disrespect. It is also likely the spirits belong to older residents since their tombstones and marking were moved. Disturbing a grave can lead to angry and confused spirits! Want to know more? Join a local ghost tour or take a personal trip to the oldest cemetery in Boston!

Contact Information

Address: 40 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02108Phone: (617) 635-7361

Boston Common

Boston Common is a large 50-acre public park in downtown Boston. It was established in 1830, making it the oldest public park in the United States. With almost 200 years of history, there are bound to be creepy ghosts and interesting stories about the location. Boston Common is called “The People’s Park,” and locals frequently protest and hold events there. It is a community location, but it is also considered one of the most haunted locations in Boston. This spot was a common community ground for hangings before it was turned into an official park. This included a female pirate, Rachel Wall, who robbed 12 ships with her husband. Thousands of people rushed to watch her death, which may have angered her! When officials started digging for a subway system, they found at least 1,000 bodies. The cemetery where the bodies were buried was small and yet extensive. The bodies could belong to early immigrants and red coats, but they could not identify the remains. Now, in the location, locals hear moans and cries from unsettled spirits. Taking a walk in the Boston Common at night is not for the fainthearted. Some people have seen red-wearing soldiers marching through the park.

Contact Information

Address: 115 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116Phone: (617) 635-4505

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