The Driskill Hotel

Widely considered one of the most haunted places near Austin, the Driskill Hotel is an upscale hotel in the heart of downtown Austin. It came into being in 1886 at the hands of cattle baron Colonel Jesse Driskill. He had a vision for a luxury hotel that would offer guests the very best of Texan hospitality. What he didn’t anticipate was the ghostly reputation his hotel would acquire. Staff and visitors at the hotel claim to have witnessed a number of spooky happenings. Some say the ghost of Colonel Driskill himself looks down from the windows; others have smelled fresh smoke from his signature cigars. Still others say that the ghost of a young senator’s daughter haunts the grand staircase, having fallen down the stairs to her death while chasing an errant ball. A third tale proposes that room 525 houses the spirits of two brides who killed themselves on their honeymoons 20 years apart to the day. At the same location, the Driskill Bar is also the subject of haunted rumors. Austin Ghost Tours offers a guided visit to the Driskill with their Austin Haunted Walking Tour package. To check out the Driskill Hotel for yourself or book a stay, go to or call 512-439-1234. Alternatively, you can visit the site in person at 604 Brazos Street in Austin.

The Texas Governor’s Mansion

The Texas Governor’s Mansion has a rich history of housing the state’s governors since 1856. It also has a history of housing a number of ghosts. Perhaps the most tragic tale is that of former governor Pendleton Murrah’s 19-year-old nephew. The young man fell in love with a young lady also staying at the mansion at the time. Unfortunately, she rejected his proposal of marriage and he shot himself in a fit of grief. His ghost apparently still roams the mansion along with the ghost of his uncle, Governor Murrah. Another former governor, Sam Houston, may still haunt his old room. Some occupants have noticed the light over his portrait going on by itself. Others claim to have seen yet another ghost, the spectre of an unwed maid who lost her position due to her pregnancy. She apparently hovers near the mansion entrance pleading for her job. Visit the Texas Governor’s Mansion at 1010 Colorado Street in Austin or check out their website here. You can also call 512-305-8524 to request a general tour.

The Littlefield Home

One of the most haunted places near Austin is the Littlefield Home, an imposing Victorian mansion that once housed childless George and Alice Littlefield. George Littlefield built it in 1894 as a home for his wife, though he also used its massive size to encourage visits from their many nieces and nephews. Dark rumors about George Littlefield claim that he used to lock his wife Alice in the attic while he was away on business for fear the Yankees would kidnap her. Legend has it that the spectre of Alice Littlefield still haunts the halls, looking down from the attic. Screams and running feet also trouble the mansion from time to time as well as the eerie sounds of Alice’s piano playing. The University of Texas currently owns the Littlefield Home and does not permit public entry. Visitors are welcome to walk the grounds, however. Additionally, Haunted AFX offers spooky tours of Austin including a stop at the Littlefield Home. Visit the site at 302 West 24th Street in Austin or check it out here to learn more.

Oakwood Cemetery

Nothing chills the blood like a cemetery in the dead of night. As one of the most haunted places near Austin, the Oakwood Cemetery is no exception. It came into being in 1839 as the City Cemetery and gained its current name in 1912. It remains Austin’s oldest public cemetery. It’s also famous for being Austin’s spookiest. Some of the earliest interments were a slave and two men killed in a conflict with local Native Americans. Graverobbers are also a sordid part of the cemetery’s past, including medical professors stealing freshly buried corpses for their students to dissect. The graveyard’s northern fence garners the most attention with frequent reports of unsettling activity, including strange lights and noises. Some surmise that this is due to its segregated layout. The northern section holds the bodies of ethnic minorities and paupers, both of which were more at risk for disinterment. People visiting the graveyard report feeling watched even when no one is around. The Oakwood Cemetery is open to the public during regular visiting hours. Save Austin’s Cemeteries (SAC) also offers an annual Murder, Mayhem & Misadventure Tour for those hoping to hear more about its ghostly history. Visit the Oakwood Cemetery at 601 Navasota Street in Austin or call 512-978-2310. Alternatively, you can visit their website here.

Texas State Capitol Building

The origins of the spookiest capitol in America go back as far as 1839. Its first iteration was a simple log cabin, eventually upgraded to a limestone structure. Then, in 1885, workers completed the construction of the current building. At 302 feet tall, the Texas State Capitol Building is an impressive sight. However, it was also the site of a tragic murder. State Comptroller Robert Love was at his desk working when disgruntled former employee William G. Hill entered the room. Hill handed Love a letter in which he blasted the lawmakers at the Capitol. Then he pulled out a gun and shot Love twice in the chest before fleeing. Though Hill accidentally killed himself shortly after, Love also died of his wounds. Ever since, many of the Capitol’s living occupants have claimed to see his ghost wandering around the building. Love’s ghost isn’t the only one purported to roam the Capitol’s halls. An unknown young woman in red apparently frequents the stairwell, seeking her lover. In addition to this, some claim to have seen the spectre of Governor Edmund Jackson Davis. Abrupt temperature drops and odd sounds announce his presence to visitors, after which he subjects them to an unnerving stare. Members of the public can visit the Texas State Capitol Building at 1100 Congress Avenue in Austin during visiting hours. Check out the website here for general tours of the building.

The Confederate Women’s Home

The last item on our list is the eerie Confederate Women’s Home, a defunct refuge for widows and wives of honourably discharged Confederate soldiers. The home first accepted women in 1908 and eventually closed its doors in 1963. The state sold the building three years later. During its operational years, the Home was the site of certain controversial practices. Its residents were older, often with health concerns, and its doctors subjected many of them to various treatments. Some of these treatments were experimental and, in many cases, harmful. For example, the Home administered electroshock therapy to some residents with dementia. Ever since then, workers and visitors have reported disturbing phenomena in the building. Some have heard women screaming, crying, talking, or laughing in empty rooms. One man who heard mysterious noises photographed a strange white mist that he had been unable to see with the naked eye. Some people report seeing an older woman dressed in white walking through the halls and then suddenly disappearing. You can visit the Austin Groups for the Elderly (AGE) Building, once the Confederate Women’s Home, at 3710 Cedar Street. For more information on the building’s history, check out this website. Whether it’s a gorgeous hotel with a grisly past or the seat of political power in Texas, these haunted places near Austin are sure to thrill you!

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Widely considered one of the most haunted places near Austin, the Driskill Hotel is an upscale hotel in the heart of downtown Austin. It came into being in 1886 at the hands of cattle baron Colonel Jesse Driskill. He had a vision for a luxury hotel that would offer guests the very best of Texan hospitality. What is the origin of the spookiest capitol in America (Austin)? The origins of the spookiest capitol in America go back as far as 1839. Its first iteration was a simple log cabin, eventually upgraded to a limestone structure. Then, in 1885, workers completed the construction of the current building. At 302 feet tall, the Texas State Capitol Building is an impressive sight.