When Is Skunk Mating Season

When Is Skunk Mating Season? Each year, skunk mating season occurs between February and March. Skunks stay in their dens during the winter, even though they don’t hibernate like other animals. A skunk may take over the burrow of another animal in order to create his own den. Sometimes they will simply burrow under buildings, porches, or even lumber piles. The fact that skunks can make a home underneath your house is one of the reasons many homeowners consider them pests!...

December 29, 2022 · 4 min · 714 words · Wayne Magano

Wild Vs Domestic Rabbits Differences Explained

Since wild and domestic bunnies both belong to the same species, you may figure they share a lot of traits. Well, while they do have a lot of things in common, there are some fundamental differences. Look at a comparison of interesting facts regarding their size, color, diet, lifespan, and more. Also, find out whether wild rabbit babies could ever be kept as pets. Size Wild rabbits can measure from eight to twenty inches long....

December 29, 2022 · 7 min · 1447 words · Diane Raines

Women Dressed Like A Seal Somehow Swims With Killer Whales Twice And Calls It Life Changing

A Magical Swim with Orcas This lady had a black wetsuit on and was conscious that she looked like a seal. However, the orcas must have sensed that she was something quite different. Orcas eat both sea lions and seals (as well as sharks and rays) but they made no attempt to eat this human swimmer. Her whale companions looked like an adult, a juvenile, and a calf. One got so close that their nose was practically touching her toes at one point....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 511 words · Bruce Rizzo

The Flag Of Serbia History Meaning And Symbolism

Below, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the flag of Serbia. From its appearance to its symbolism and history, this complete guide will cover all aspects of the Tricolor. Ready to learn more? Keep reading below! About the Flag of Serbia The flag of Serbia is also known as the Tricolor. This is because it is made of three horizontal bars of equal size. The top bar is red; the middle bar is blue, and the bottom bar is white....

December 28, 2022 · 4 min · 703 words · Stephen Pollard

The Most Haunted Places Near Dallas

The Adolphus Hotel One of the most haunted places near Dallas is its oldest hotel, the Adolphus Hotel. It dates all the way back to 1912 with a well-deserved reputation for classy decor and posh rooms. However, it also has a different kind of reputation among the locals – a spooky one. According to legend, the ghost of a jilted bride from 1935 haunts the hotel. She arrived at the ballroom on the 19th floor in her wedding gown only to wait hours for a groom that never showed up....

December 28, 2022 · 6 min · 1257 words · Gladys Reese

The Oldest Grizzly Bear Vs The Oldest Polar Bear

Massive, solitary, and clever, these bears roam their territories without a worry regarding competition for resources or predators. The only obstacles to grizzlies’ and polar bears’ carefree existence are other grizzlies and polar bears! Bears have few predators, living at the top of the food chain, as they do. In fact, bears are more likely to be predators, than to be attacked by a predator. Having few predators means that they can live to be quite old....

December 28, 2022 · 4 min · 663 words · Carl Millan

The Top 10 Coolest Animals In The World

These are the 10 coolest animals in the world: #10. Okapi You might think this creature is a relative to the zebra with its striping. But okapi is a cousin to the giraffe. As an herbivore, the okapi mostly diet on grass, leaves, and other plants. You’ll find them in Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo. Among the okapi’s predators are leopards and humans. The okapi has a cool natural defense....

December 28, 2022 · 7 min · 1350 words · Paul Vandyke

The Top 10 Illegal Pets To Own In The United States

While these laws can be frustrating to deal with as a pet owner, they are typically enforced in the name of conservation or safety. Animals that are too hard or even impossible to domesticate could be a danger to you or your surrounding community should they choose to attack, while the more docile animals on this list could be problematic to your local ecosystem if they escape since they are deemed an invasive species....

December 28, 2022 · 8 min · 1675 words · Penny Molloy

These Jumping Crocodiles Could Probably Dunk With That Much Vertical

The footage was shot in the Adelaide River in Australia. They are found on many continents in the Southern hemisphere. They need plenty of time in the sun and warm temperatures to help regulate their body temperatures. Some people come to Australia to see the amazing wildlife, and tour companies like the one in this video provide opportunities for them to get up close and personal with wild animals. The video starts with a shot of a boat full of tourists on the river....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 431 words · Manuel Wood

This Cheetah Is Very Confused After Running Into Mini Me

As the group pulls over to watch some nearby cheetahs, they spot a unique interaction. One of the larger cats saw the serval and approached to examine the strange creature. Conflicts between wild cats have been observed in a number of species, despite the fact that scientists are indeed uncertain of the precise causes. The cheetah may be acting in this way to avoid rivalry for food and resources. Nevertheless, chasing a cat that can fiercely defend itself is a dangerous, energy-draining strategy, so this juvenile cheetah was prudent to refrain from making a full-fledged attack....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 430 words · Michael Lake

This Curious Monkey Can T Help But Grab A Black Cobra By The Tail

Black cobras are also called Forest Cobras and live in Western Africa. There are other color variations, including a black and yellow banded snake and a glossy black snake. They can also be dark brown or black, such as this guy, with lighter bellies. Cobras have hoods that are very easy to spot and make them instantly recognizable. Because they are also venomous and can be aggressive, seeing these hoods is often a sign to get the heck away from the angry snake....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 384 words · Walter Aldridge

Tick Lifespan How Long Do Ticks Live

If you’d like to learn tips on how to protect you, your family, and your friends from a bite from one of these parasites, then read on. We’ll explore the basics of ticks and learn to better understand the tick lifespan, life cycle, and all other sorts of cool facts! The Rundown on Ticks Although many assume that ticks happen to fall under the category of insects, you may be surprised to find out they are actually classified as parasitic arachnids!...

December 28, 2022 · 5 min · 861 words · Erika Walker

Top 8 Heaviest And Fattest Cats

They dominate our social media feeds and our Sunday comic strips, and the Guinness Book of World Records had to stop tracking the fattest cat in the world decades ago out of fear that owners would intentionally overfeed their pets for a shot at fame. But the heaviest cats in the world become that way for a reason. Some breeds have habits that make them more prone to overeating or inactivity, while others have actually put on the pounds to become more effective predators in the wild....

December 28, 2022 · 8 min · 1601 words · Timothy Currier

Types Of Pond Turtles

Pond turtles are not only interesting to observe, but they also consume insects and other pests that tend to inhabit a pond environment. Fortunately, the varied types of pond turtles make it easy to find the perfect specimens to occupy a backyard pond. Turtles are shy and their main defense is to dive into deep water or under a submerged log to hide from predators. While they are slow on the ground, they have extremely sharp eyesight and can move very fast in the water....

December 28, 2022 · 8 min · 1529 words · Elizabeth Biller

Watch A Grizzly Run Straight Into A Gift Shop When It S Chased By A Moose

Grizzly Hunt Does Not Go According to Plan This is probably not how the grizzly planned this attack to end. Having stalked the moose and her calf for days, we join the scene on the shores of the lake. The footage is captured from a coffee shop overlooking the water. The grizzly bear has spotted the adult moose in the shallow water but the calf is behind a small wooden building and hidden from our view....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 361 words · Leona Frey

Watch A Hippo Try To Flip A Fishing Boat With One Powerful Headbutt

He then puts a neck gaiter on himself as he makes a bit of an exasperated sound — you can hear from this vocalization just how hot it is that day. It’s not clear what the temperatures may actually be. All you see are clear skies with a few scattered clouds. Anyway, the man picks up a fishing rod and now they’re both holding out their rods. Suddenly, something unseen slams against their boat....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 369 words · Pamela Nunez

Watch A Lioness Save Her Zookeeper When The Male Lion Attacks Him Point Blank

In a clip, we get to see something that reminds us all that lions are cute, but they are not tame. The video starts rather suddenly, but we can assume a bit of what is happening beforehand. Two zookeepers are in a lion’s pen, either doing a show or a feeding of some type. We know that whatever it is, it’s a public event because there is a crowd of people watching what is going on....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 551 words · Kenneth Blackburn

Watch A Male Lion Shrug Off A Pack Of Taunting Hyenas

Along with several bird species including vultures, eagles, and storks, there are hundreds of other creatures that call this place home. The terrain includes mountains, shrub plains, and tropical trees. Male lions are known as kings of the jungle and can take on almost any other wild animal. One of these apex predators was enjoying a fresh kill when a clan of hyenas approaches him. While hyenas are completely capable of hunting on their own, they often steal food when a moment presents itself....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 426 words · Toni Poblete

Watch This Man Eating Leopard Rampage Through A Village

As the animal pounces and tries to maul everybody in its path, forest officials can be seen on the frightening incident’s video trying to grab hold of it. The leopard swiftly jumps from one man to another as it runs in a bid to escape the clutches of the rescuers. One man is knocked off a ladder after he is bitten by the big cat. The leopard then jumps over a wall and runs down a narrow street towards a gathering crowd....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 444 words · Simon Medina

Watching This Baby Tiger And Lion Cub Fight Is Purely Adorable

If these big baby cats were any bigger, you would have felt tension during the opening scene of this video. However, these are sweet little ones who display a playful nature and start with little smacks on each other’s faces and some gentle grunts as they enjoy one another’s company. If you’ve watched kittens play, it’s just like that except you’re looking at a baby tiger and a lion cub....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 387 words · John Ramsey