What Do Sugar Gliders Eat 20 Foods They Love

Discover the different foods these creatures love to eat while they’re in the wild, how they manage to find foods, and the best ways to keep them properly fed as pets. What Foods Do Sugar Gliders Eat? Sugar gliders eat insects, tree sap, pollen, fruits, and small reptiles. They are omnivorous marsupials that stick to different diets at various times throughout the year, depending on what’s available. Sugar gliders get their name partially for their penchant for eating sweet foods, including the sap and gum of certain trees, and for their gliding abilities....

December 30, 2022 · 5 min · 945 words · Alysia Godfrey

Why Is Chocolate So Bad For Dogs What Are The Real Reasons

Why Is Chocolate Bad for Dogs? There are two ingredients in chocolate that make it bad for dogs. They are called theobromine and caffeine. Both of these chemicals are diuretics (they make the body lose water), heart stimulants (they speed up the heart) blood vessel dilators (they open up the blood vessels), and smooth muscle relaxants. They have the same effect on the human body. The difference is that our bodies can break down these chemicals quickly and get rid of them....

December 30, 2022 · 7 min · 1459 words · Joseph Baichan

The Top 10 Smallest Birds In North America

Because this area is so large and so full of different species of hummingbirds, there are a lot of contenders for the 10 smallest birds in the region! Many of these birds show as much as a half-inch length variance between specimens, so for this list, we will consider the smallest known size of the bird in length and weight. #10: American Goldfinch As the name suggests, the American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis) is a brightly golden colored bird in the Finch family, found in the United States, Canada, and Mexico, depending on the time of year....

December 29, 2022 · 7 min · 1288 words · Ronald Smalley

The World S Top 9 Famous Conservationists

In the past century or so, human society has advanced and proliferated so much that it has begun to interfere with natural habitats. Humans don’t just take up a lot of space. We also tend to disrupt the environment for resources that keep society up and running. As a result, some animal species have become extinct or endangered. There are even entire habitats on the brink of collapse. Therefore, the planet’s well-being depends on brace humans making a change....

December 29, 2022 · 8 min · 1544 words · Robert Thomas

These Orcas Are Chess Grandmasters At Seal Hunting

A seal is taking a nap on a chunk of ice when two orcas acting as scouts spot it lying alone. They make a unique call to get the rest of the pod’s attention. The Weddell seals differed from all other animals previously investigated in that they alternated between sleeping with their entire brain and sleeping with only half of it, similar to dolphins. They may do this to maintain their nostrils above water for breathing and to keep an eye out for predators like sharks and orcas....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 441 words · Dorothy Wong

This Angry Elephant Charges A Huge Hippo In Wild Video

African elephants are the largest land-dwelling mammals on Earth. They can weigh up to 14,000 pounds.Hippos are highly aggressive creatures when they feel threatened and could be responsible for up to 3,000 fatalities every year.Both elephant and hippo populations are at risk due to habitat loss, poaching, and other factors. Imagine being chased by a creature that weighs over 12,000 pounds. As it barrels toward you, you escape as fast as you can and wonder if you are any match for the beast....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 580 words · James Deleon

This Type Of Rottweiler Breed Is Best For You

So, is there really a difference between German, Roman, and American Rottweilers? Does Roman Rottweiler still exist? While there is only one true Rottweiler breed, they differ depending on the country they come from because each country’s standards differ. For example, American Rottweilers look and act differently from the German version. If you want to understand more about this fascinating breed and all its variations, continue reading. German Rottweiler Firstly, the German Rottweiler is the original version of this breed, as they originated in a small town called Rottweil....

December 29, 2022 · 9 min · 1781 words · Donna Wilson

Top 10 Meanest Dogs

#10: Cocker Spaniel The Cocker Spaniel was once considered the ultimate family dog. However, they became so popular that unethical breeding and inbreeding became a serious problem for the breed. As a result, unwanted genetic mutations began to appear. This affectionate, loyal, and somewhat needy breed is a wonderful family pet and was originally bred to be a hunting dog. However, there is a downside as the Cocker Spaniel has developed something called Rage Syndrome....

December 29, 2022 · 8 min · 1598 words · Jimmie Hunt

Types Of Hen And Chicks Succulents

What Are Hen and Chicks? Before we take a look at the different types of hen and chick succulents, what exactly are they? They’re a type of succulent in the Crassulaceae plant family and they’re native to southern Europe and northern Africa. They get the name from their spreading habit. The main plant is the hen and her chicks form as buds on the main plant. As they grow, they move away on thick short vines and put down roots nearby....

December 29, 2022 · 6 min · 1212 words · Mary Vazquez

Watch A Pack Of Loyal Dogs Put A Mountain Lion In Its Place

These are predators. They can reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour, and often weigh around 200 pounds. Whereas other big cats can be very vocal, mountain lions have different larynxes than other species, limiting their vocalizations. Sometimes, mountain lions chirp or shriek, but they can also purr and roar a bit. They are also unusual because they have different names. Mountain lions are also referred to as cougars and panthers....

December 29, 2022 · 2 min · 386 words · Marshall Delaney

Watch A Pride Of Lions Roll 22 Deep And Trigger An Absolute Melee

The video begins with at least eight lions in view. Some lions have covered the buffalo while others expectantly wait for the creature’s demise. The massive ungulate is doing his best to fight them off, but it’s tired and groaning the entire time. One lion has bitten into the buffalo’s back, and another has it around the snout. Backup arrives just when it seems like they’re about to take the buffalo down for good....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 494 words · Dana Mercer

Watch Men Swim With Batman Monster Rattlesnake

The rattlesnake is one of the most feared snakes in North America, and these two men are willingly hopping into the water with a particularly huge one. “Batman” is a 7-foot-long rattlesnake that’s about as round and thick as a human leg. So, what would ever compel someone to do this? Who Are the Swimmers? “Batman” is a domesticated snake, owned by snake handler Tyler Nolan. Tyler and Chandler of Chandler’s Wild Life are both experienced and certified snake handlers with advanced knowledge about how to handle snakes and respond if the animal shows any aggression....

December 29, 2022 · 3 min · 518 words · Robert Wilson

Watch These Chicks Go Skydiving Without A Parachute

These parent barnacle geese have built their nest at the top of some treacherous rocks and we get to see what happens as the goslings leave the nest. Barnacle Goslings Without Parachutes What seems like a reckless choice when it comes to nest building is actually the best way to protect chicks from terrestrial predators. The downside is that the parents now have five young chicks in a very high place, with no food source....

December 29, 2022 · 2 min · 408 words · Judith Bray

Watch Two Adult Silverbacks Fight Up Close At The Omaha Zoo

Silverback Gorillas A common misconception is that silverbacks are a particular species or subspecies of gorillas. In fact, there are four subspecies of great apes which are the western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) which is split into the Western Lowland gorilla and the Cross River gorilla, and the Eastern Gorilla which is split into the Eastern Lowland gorilla and the Mountain Gorilla. All of them are strong and powerful with wide chests and shoulders and an abdomen that is pushed forward....

December 29, 2022 · 2 min · 395 words · Bernard Rodriguez

Watching This Baby Gorilla And Monkey Playing Is Simply Adorable

Play Time for the Primates It’s playtime at the zoo! In this gorgeous footage, we are introduced to Kiango, a gorilla infant, who is playing close to his mom. It starts with a game of chase. One of the mangabey monkeys (they are called Moto and Mojo) clearly wants the little gorilla to chase him. He waits until the infant has caught up with him and then darts away. At one point they have a play wresting match and then something interests both of them at the far side of the rock, so the game is paused whilst they investigate it together....

December 29, 2022 · 2 min · 406 words · Melissa Smith

What Causes Carpet Beetles

What Causes Carpet Beetles? Carpet beetles are always looking for food for their larvae, and they’ll quickly cause an infestation in the home if they find what they need. One of the biggest food sources in the diet of these insects is dead skin on surfaces, though they will also seek out silk, wool, and hair. They are able to access these materials because of poor cleaning methods. They can also be found in stained carpets or on surfaces that animal-based products are left behind....

December 29, 2022 · 6 min · 1229 words · Andrew Doss

What Do Blue Jays Eat

The most important source of meat is insects: beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars are all common staples. In order to supplement its diet with more meat, the blue jay will sometimes hunt rodents, frogs, spiders, and snails if the opportunity ever arises. It also sometimes raids bird nests to consume eggs and young hatchlings. However, the blue jay isn’t a great hunter, and it prefers to forage or scavenge for easy food....

December 29, 2022 · 5 min · 900 words · Betty Montgomery

What Do Canadian Geese Eat 20 Foods They Prefer

We’ll explore the various foods that Canadian geese consume throughout their lifespans while also considering how they fare in less-plentiful situations. What Foods Do Canadian Geese Eat? The key to that question lies in the answer to “what do geese eat?”. These large birds love to feed on vegetable matter especially fresh, nutrient-rich grass, aquatic sedges, and rhizomes. They may also snack on the occasional berry as well. They have rather efficient digestive systems including a gizzard which is actually more effective compared to those of chickens and ducks....

December 29, 2022 · 5 min · 1050 words · Sharon Johnson

What Do Elephant Seals Eat

While these wonderful creatures almost went extinct in the 1800s, their population numbers have since rebounded. They live in both the northern and southern hemispheres, where you might catch a rare glimpse of them diving for food or basking on a sandy beach. When they’re out at sea, elephant seals spend much of their time eating squid and fish, which makes up the bulk of their diet. What Do Elephant Seals Eat?...

December 29, 2022 · 5 min · 1032 words · Annie Putney

What Do Sparrows Eat 25 Foods They Crave

Discover the various meals that sparrows consume and see how they use their unique physiology and pseudo-domestication has benefitted these creatures. What Foods Do Sparrows Eat? Sparrows eat seeds, insects, fruit, mollusks, and small vertebrates. They are mostly granivorous, but sparrows are technically omnivorous because they eat animals as well as plants. Sparrows have a wide distribution throughout the world, and that gives them quite a variety of potential foods to eat....

December 29, 2022 · 5 min · 894 words · Rachel Mcbrien